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Meaning of the Name Yasin

The first name Yasin is of Islamic, Arabic, Muslim origin. It is often a boy name. It has the following meaning(s):

Islamic: Derived from the Letters Y and S, Which are the Opening Letters of the Thirty Sixth Sura of the Koran
Arabic: Rich
Muslim: Sura in Ou'Ran. Name of Prophet Muhammad

Similar Names

Yaasmin | Yasiman | Yasmia | Yasmin | Yasmina | Yasmine | Yazmin |

Related Names

Yaaseen  (Muslim)
Variant of Yasin: Sura in Ou'Ran. Name of Prophet Muhammad

Additional Names

Concepta | Kurt | Azhar | Alain | Jovany | Dakota | Sabaa | Steve | Kashish | Fainche | Ardkill | Sheehan | Gwylim | Eli | Josephine |