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Meaning of the Name Zeki

The first name Zeki is of Turkish origin. It is often a boy or girl name. It has the following meaning(s):

Turkish: Smart
Turkish: Smart

Similar Names

Zaci | Zahi | Zak | Zaka' | Zaki | Zakiy | Zakki | Zeke | Zeus | Zez |

Related Names

Chico  (Spanish)
Boy; Lad. Also Spanish Abbreviation of Ezekiel
Ezekiel  (Hebrew)
God Strengthens. Biblical Ezekiel Was a Prophet Among the Captives Taken to Babylon at the First Fall of Jerusalem Who Wrote the Book of Ezekiel in Captivity. See Also Zeke
Ezekiel  (Hebrew)
Strength of God
Ezekiel  (Hebrew)
Strength of God, Serious, Profound, Tenacious
Ezekiel  (Biblical)
The Strength of God
Ezekiela  (Hawaiian)
Variant of Ekekiela: Powerful God
Hezekiah  (Hebrew)
God is My Strength. God Has Strengthened. One of the Kings of Judah in the Old Testament
Hezekiah  (Biblical)
Strength of the Lord
Hezekiah  (Hebrew)
Strength of the Lord, Just, Honest, Complacent, Sane in All His Actions
Ulkifl  (Muslim)
Variant of Zulkifl: Ezekiel (English Language Equivalent)
Zeke  (English)
Abbreviation of Ezekiel
Zeke  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Ezekiel: God Strengthens, or May God Strengthen
Zulkifl  (Muslim)
Variant of Ulkifl: the Biblical Ezekiel is the English Language Equivalent

Additional Names

Jacobus | Zahra | Sharifah | Vritra | Zody | Orien | Fale | Abhinandana | Calida | David | Christabel | Egesa | Os | Shalim | Mazzaroth |