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Names That Mean Zeus

64 names found for "Zeus"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Zeus? We couldn't find the exact name Zeus, but listed below are some first names meaning Zeus or names similar to the word Zeus.

Similar Names

Zauq | Zeke | Zeki | Zez | Zea |

Related Names

Actor  (Latin)
Son of Azeus
Actoris  (Latin)
Son of Azeus
Aeacus  (Greek)
Son of Zeus; Grandfather of Achilles
Aegeus  (Greek)
Zeus' Shield, Which Was Made of Goatskin. Also the Name of the Second Husband of Medea
Aegis  (Greek)
Variant of Aegeus: Zeus' Shield, Which Was Made of Goatskin. Also the Name of the Second Husband of Medea
Aiakos  (Greek)
Son of Zeus
Amalthea  (Greek)
Woman Who Nursed Zeus
Amalthia  (Greek)
Woman Who Nursed Zeus
Amphion  (Greek)
Son of Zeus in Ancient Greek Mythology
Arcas  (Greek)
In Greek Mythology, Arcas Was the Son of Jupiter and Callisto and Son of Zeus
Celicia  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celina  (Latin)
Hammer. Also Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celinda  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Celinna  (Latin)
Variant of Celia or Selena. One of Seven Mythological Daughters of Atlas Transformed by Zeus into Stars of the Pleiades Constellation
Cenobia  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Zenobia: Born of Zeus
Cenon  (Spanish)
Receiver of Life from Zeus
Danae  (Greek)
Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus
Danay  (Greek)
Form of Danae; the Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus
Danaye  (Greek)
Form of Danae; the Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus
Danea  (Greek)
Form of Danae; the Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus
Danee  (Greek)
Form of Danae; the Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus
Dard  (Greek)
Son of Zeus
Denae  (Greek)
Form of Danae; the Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus
Denay  (Greek)
Form of Danae; the Mythological Mother of Perseus by Zeus
Dione  (English)
Feminine Form of Dion: a Variant of Dennis, Derived from Dionysius, the Greek God of Wine. Also from the Sacred Spring. The Mythological Dione Was Wife to Zeus and Mother of Aphrodite
Dionne  (English)
Feminine Form of Dion: a Variant of Dennis, Derived from Dionysius, the Greek God of Wine. Also from the Sacred Spring. The Mythological Dione Was Wife to Zeus and Mother of Aphrodite
Eileen  (Greek)
Variant of Helen: Shining Light. The Bright One. Helen of Troy, Whose Elopement With Paris Sparked the Trojan War, Was the Daughter of Zeus and Wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta
Galina  (Greek)
Light. Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Galina  (English)
Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Hebe  (Greek)
Youth. in Greek Mythology, Goddess of Youth and Cupbearer to the Gods. Granddaughter of Zeus and Hera
Helaine  (French)
Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Helen  (Greek)
Shining Light. The Bright One. Helen of Troy, Whose Elopement With Paris Sparked the Trojan War, Was the Daughter of Zeus and Wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta
Helena  (English)
Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Helene  (French)
Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Hera  (Greek)
Hera: (The Roman Juno) Was the Mythological Greek Queen of Heaven and Wife of Zeus. Dealing With Her Husband's Infidelities She Came to Be Called the Goddess of Marriages
Heraklesr  (Greek)
Son of Zeus
Hercules  (Latin)
Glory of Hera. Glorious Gift. Derived from the Greek Name Heracles. in Greek Mythology, Hercules (Or Heracles) Was the Son of Zeus, Who Performed the Twelve Labours After Killing His Wife and Children
Hercules  (Greek)
In Hera's Service. The Mythological Greek Hercules Was a Son of Zeus and an Extraordinarily Strong Man
Here  (Greek)
Wife of Zeus
Iau  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Zeus 'Life'
Ida  (English)
Diligent. A Greek Mythological Nymph Who Cared for the Infant Zeus on Mt. Ida
Jovan  (Latin)
Father of the Sky. Form of Jove from Jupiter. Jupiter Was Roman Mythological Supreme Deity Corresponding to the Greek Zeus
Leonora  (Greek)
Light. Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Leonora  (English)
Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Minos  (Greek)
Son of Zeus
Nephele  (Greek)
The Cloud Hera Made by Zeus That Birthed the Centaurs
Rhea  (Greek)
The Mother of the Greek God, Zeus. Wife of Cronus
Salmoneus  (Greek)
During Trojan War He Pretended to Be Zeus
Senon  (Hispanic)
Given Life by Zeus
Xenon  (Spanish)
Variant of Cenon: Receiver of Life from Zeus
64 names found for "Zeus"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

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