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Names That Mean Bearer

1014 names found for "Bearer"   (page 5 of 21) 

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Looking for names that mean Bearer? We couldn't find the exact name Bearer, but listed below are some first names meaning Bearer or names similar to the word Bearer.

Similar Names

Baber | Barr | Beer | Beore | Berea |

Related Names

Bradlea  (English)
Variant of Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bradleigh  (English)
Variant of Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bradley  (English)
Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bradlie  (English)
Variant of Bradley: Broad Clearing in the Wood. from a Surname and Place Name Based on the Old English Words for Broad Clearing and Broad Wood. Famous Bearer: Movie Star Brad (Bradley) Pitt
Bram  (Dutch)
A Dutch Diminutive of Abraham, Meaning 'Father of a Multitude' Famous Bearer: Bram Stoker, Th Century Irish Author of Dracula
Brendan  (Irish)
Prince. Some Scholars Believe Brendan Means 'stinking Hair' Famous Bearer: Th Century Irish Abbot St Brendan Founded a Monastery at Clonfert in County Galway; Then is Said to Have Sailed Across the At
Briano  (Celtic)
Variant of Brian: Brave; Virtuous. Famous Bearers: Canadian Singer Brian Adams and British Singer Bryan Ferry
Brice  (Celtic)
Swift. Famous Bearer: St Brice, Sometimes Called St. Britius, Was a Th Century Bishop of Tours
Brigitte  (French)
A French Form of the Irish Bridget, Meaning the High One, or Strength. Famous Bearer: Th Century Actress Brigitte Bardot
Britt  (Swedish)
Strong. Famous Bearer: Th Century Swedish Actress Britt Ekland
Broderick  (English)
From the Broad Ridge. Derived from a Surname Meaning 'son of Roderick'; Now Occasionally Used As a First Name. Famous Bearer: American Actor Broderick Crawford
Bruno  (German)
From the Old German 'Brun' Meaning Brown. Famous Bearers: Three Th and Th Century German Saints, One of Whom Founded the Carthusian Order of Monks. Used Occasionally in English-speaking Countries Sinc
Bryce  (Celtic)
Swift. Famous Bearer: St Brice, Sometimes Called St. Britius, Was a Th Century Bishop of Tours
Buddey  (English)
Variant of Buddy: Friend. Famous Bearer: American Early Rock Star Who Died Young in a Tragic Plane Crash
Buddie  (English)
Variant of Buddy: Friend. Famous Bearer: American Early Rock Star Who Died Young in a Tragic Plane Crash
Buddy  (English)
Friend. Famous Bearer: American Early Rock Star Who Died Young in a Tragic Plane Crash
Burl  (English)
Forest; Cup Bearer
Burt  (English)
Derived from the Old English 'Beorht' Meaning Bright, Glorious. Also Used As a Name Derived from the Surname and Place Name Burton, Meaning Fortified Enclosure. Famous Bearers: American Actors Burt La
Byron  (English)
Derived from a Surname and Place Name; Which is Based on the Old English Byre Meaning Cowshed. Famous Bearer: the Poet Lord Byron
Cai  (English)
Diminutive of Caius: a Variant of Gaius; Which is a More Common Form of the Name in Britain. Famous Bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is Named After Its Founder, John Caius
Caitlin  (Latin)
Variant of Catherine: Pure, Clear. Form of the Latin Katharina, from the Greek Aikaterina. Famous Bearers: a Number of Saints, Including St Catherine of Alexandria, a Th Century Martyr Who Suffered To
Caits  (Latin)
Variant of Gaius: to Rejoice. Famous Bearer: Roman Dictator Gaius Julius Caesar
Caius  (English)
A Variant of Gaius; Which is a More Common Form of the Name in Britain. Famous Bearer: Cambridge's Caius College is Named After Its Founder, John Caius
Caleb  (Hebrew)
Meaning Dog, or Bold. Famous Bearer: Caleb Was One of Twelve Islaelite Leaders Sent by Moses to Explore the Promised Land
Calvin  (English)
Bald. Famous Bearers: Early Th Century American President Coolidge; Fashion Designer Calvin Klein
Calvino  (English)
Variant of Calvin: Bald. Famous Bearers: Early Th Century American President Coolidge; Fashion Designer Calvin Klein
Camilla  (Latin)
Servant for the Temple; Free-born; Noble. Feminine Form of Camillus. Famous Bearer: Roman Mythological Volscian Warrior Queen Camilla. Fanny Burney's Th Century Novel 'Camilla'
Camille  (French)
The French Form of Camilla or Camillus. Although Camille is Used As Both a Girl's and Boy's Name in France, Outside France it is Not Used As a Masculine Name. Famous Bearer: the Famous Greta Garbo Fil
Camille  (French)
The French Form of Camilla or Camillus. Famous Bearer: the Famous Greta Garbo Film 'Camille'
Candace  (Hebrew)
Famous Bearer: American Actress Candice Bergen
Candice  (Hebrew)
Famous Bearer: American Actress Candice Bergen
Candida  (Latin)
Dazzling White. Bright, Glowing White. Derived from the Feminine of the Latin Adjective Meaning White. Famous Bearer: George Bernard Shaw's Play 'Candida'
Candy  (Latin)
Diminutive of Candida: Dazzling White. Bright, Glowing White. Derived from the Feminine of the Latin Adjective Meaning White. Famous Bearer: George Bernard Shaw's Play 'Candida'
Candy  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Candace: Famous Bearer: American Actress Candice Bergen
Caradoc  (Welsh)
Affection; Amiable. Famous Bearer: First Century British King Caradoc, Better Known As King Caractacus
Carinen  (Hebrew)
Variant of Carmel: Garden or Vinyard. Famous Bearer: the Name of a Mountain in Isreal. The Carmelite Order of Mendicant Friars Was Founded in the Th Century on Mount Carmel
Carl  (English)
Man. Famous Bearer: Astronomer Carl Sagan
Carmel  (Hebrew)
Garden or Vinyard. Famous Bearer: the Name of a Mountain in Isreal. The Carmelite Order of Mendicant Friars Was Founded in the Th Century on Mount Carmel
Carmelita  (Hebrew)
Variant of Carmel: Garden or Vinyard. Famous Bearer: the Name of a Mountain in Isreal. The Carmelite Order of Mendicant Friars Was Founded in the Th Century on Mount Carmel
Carmen  (Spanish)
Garden. The Spanish Form of the Hebrew Carmel. Famous Bearer: Bizet's Opera 'Carmen', First Performed In
Carnela  (Hebrew)
Variant of Carmel: Garden or Vinyard. Famous Bearer: the Name of a Mountain in Isreal. The Carmelite Order of Mendicant Friars Was Founded in the Th Century on Mount Carmel
Carol  (English)
Manly, Strong. A Variant of Charles; from Carolus, the Latinized Form of the Name. Famous Bearer: Pope John Paul Ii's Real Name is Karol Wojtyla. Karol is a Variant Spelling of Carol Used in Several E
Carolina  (Italian)
Variant of Caroline: Strong. an Italian Feminine Form of Charles. Famous Bearer: Th Century Caroline of Ansbach Was the German Wife of English King George Ii. Lady Caroline Lamb Had a Famous Liaison W
Carolina  (Latin)
Strong. A Latinized Form of Caroline. Famous Bearer: the American States of North and South Carolina Were Named After British King Charles I
Caroline  (Italian)
Strong. an Italian Feminine Form of Charles. Famous Bearer: Th Century Caroline of Ansbach Was the German Wife of English King George Ii. Lady Caroline Lamb Had a Famous Liaison With Poet Lord Byron
Caroll  (English)
Variant of Carroll: Man. Famous Bearer: Late Television Actor Carroll O'Connor
Carolus  (English)
Variant of Carroll: Man. Famous Bearer: Late Television Actor Carroll O'Connor
Carolyn  (Italian)
Variant of Caroline: Strong. an Italian Feminine Form of Charles. Famous Bearer: Th Century Caroline of Ansbach Was the German Wife of English King George Ii. Lady Caroline Lamb Had a Famous Liaison W
Carrol  (English)
Variant of Carroll: Man. Famous Bearer: Late Television Actor Carroll O'Connor
Carroll  (English)
Man. Famous Bearer: Late Television Actor Carroll O'Connor
1014 names found for "Bearer"   (page 5 of 21) 

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Additional Names

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