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Names That Mean Beauty

208 names found for "Beauty"   (page 4 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Beauty? We couldn't find the exact name Beauty, but listed below are some first names meaning Beauty or names similar to the word Beauty.

Similar Names

Beat | Beatty | Beata | Beate | Betty |

Related Names

Michiko  (Japanese)
Child of Beauty
Michiru  (Japanese)
Sea, Ocean, Beauty (Form of Michelle ?)
Mirabel  (Spanish)
Of Uncommon Beauty
Mirabella  (French)
Of Incredible Beauty
Mirabelle  (French)
Of Incredible Beauty
Mirabelle  (French)
Of Wondrous Beauty
Mohit  (Indian)
ensnarled by beauty
Nain  (Biblical)
Beauty, Pleasantness
Nain  (Biblical)
Beauty, Pleasantness
Nani  (Hawaiian)
Beauty; Splendor
Ninon  (French)
Grace. Famous Bearer: Th Century Aristrocat Ninon De Lenclos Was Famous for Her Wit and Beauty
Nohealani  (Hawaiian)
Beauty from Heaven
Oliver  (English)
The Olive Tree. The Biblical Olive Tree Symbolizes Fruitfulness and Beauty and Dignity. 'Extending an Olive Branch' Signifies an Offer of Peace
Oliver  (French)
The Olive Tree. The Biblical Olive Tree Symbolizes Fruitfulness and Beauty and Dignity. Extending an Olive Branch Signifies an Offer of Peace
Orabel  (Latin)
Golden Beauty
Orla  (Irish)
One of True Beauty; Originally a Boy's Name from Denmark. it Was Presumably Left Behind in Ireland With Some Child of the Viking Raiders. in Denmark, Orla Means Strong and Manly
Paran  (Biblical)
Beauty, Glory, Ornament
Paran  (Biblical)
Beauty, Glory, Ornament
Pari  (Hindu)
Beauty, Fairy
Pari  (Indian)
Beauty, fairy
Rati  (Hindu)
Goddess of Love and Beauty. Origin: Sanskrit
Roopin  (Hindu)
Rupa  (Hindu)
Rupa  (Indian)
Rupesh  (Indian)
lord of beauty
Rupin  (Indian)
embodied beauty
Ruth  (Hebrew)
Beauty, Dreamy, Impassive, Goodlooking, Everybody's Friend (Ruthie, Ruta)
Ruth  (Hebrew)
Companion; Friend; Vision of Beauty. in the Bible, Ruth the Moabitess Was the Great Grandmother of King David
Ruthie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Ruth: Companion; Friend; Vision of Beauty. in the Bible, Ruth the Moabitess Was the Great Grandmother of King David
Sanaa  (Swahili)
Work of Art, Beauty
Sauda  (Swahili)
Dark Beauty
Sierra  (Western)
Natures Beauty (Uncertain Origin)
Tabitha  (Hebrew)
Beauty, Grace. from the Aramaic Word for Gazelle. Biblical - Tabitha of the New Testament (Acts :) Was Noted for Good Works
Tabitha  (Greek)
Gazeile. Beauty, Grace. from the Aramaic Word for Gazelle
Tabitha  (Aramaic)
Gazelle. The Gazelle Was Anciently Regarded As a Symbolr of Graceful Beauty
Tajammul  (Muslim)
Beauty. Dignity
Tamara  (Hebrew)
Palm Tree. Used As a Symbolic Oriental Name Due to the Beauty and Fruitfulness of the Tree
Tanushri  (Hindu)
Tanushri  (Indian)
Teja  (Irish)
Unrivalled Beauty
Uzuri  (Swahili)
Venita  (Latin)
Goddess of Love and Beauty
Venus  (Latin)
Goddess of Love and Beauty
Yoshe  (Japanese)
A Beauty
Yoshe  (Japanese)
Zahrah  (Muslim)
Flower. Beauty. Star
Zaib  (Muslim)
Decoration. Beauty
Zain  (Muslim)
Beauty. Pretty
Zayn  (Arabic)
Zayna  (Arabic)
208 names found for "Beauty"   (page 4 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Taariq | Jeralyn | Alva | Darah | Gay | Nesreen | Taruni | Ross | Iain | Bethel | Karen | Malcham | Kadian | Imala | Gretchen |