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Names That Mean Bitter

296 names found for "Bitter"   (page 3 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Looking for names that mean Bitter? We couldn't find the exact name Bitter, but listed below are some first names meaning Bitter or names similar to the word Bitter.

Similar Names

Bether | Bittor | Bittore |

Related Names

Mariah  (French)
Variant of Latin Mary: Bitter
Mariam  (Latin)
Variant of Mary 'Bitter.'
Mariam  (Latin)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Marian  (French)
Marian  (Latin)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Marian  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Mariana  (Latin)
Variant of Mary: Bitter. A Shakespearian Character Noted for Her Loyalty in Measure for Measure
Marianda  (Latin)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Mariane  (French)
Variant of Latin Mary: Bitter
Mariann  (Latin)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Marianna  (Hungarian)
Bitter or Grace
Marianna  (Latin)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Marianne  (Norse)
Bitter Grace
Marianne  (Hebrew)
Bitter Grace, Unsociable, Intellectual, Determined
Marianne  (French)
Compound of Marie (Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter) and Anne (Favor or Grace). Also a Variant of Marian
Marianne  (Latin)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Maribel  (Hebrew)
Maribel  (Spanish)
Bitter, Consecrated to God
Maribella  (Hebrew)
Maribelle  (Hebrew)
Maribeth  (American)
Bitter Sea, House of God
Marie  (French)
Bitter Sea
Marie  (English)
Variant of Latin Mary: Bitter
Marie  (French)
Variant of Latin Mary: Bitter
Marie  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Mariel  (German)
Bitter Sea
Mariel  (German)
Mariel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Marien  (Dutch)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Marietta  (French)
Marietta  (Spanish)
Marietta  (English)
Little Bitter
Marietta  (Italian)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Marietta  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Mariette  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Mariette  (French)
Little Bitter
Mariette  (French)
Marijke  (Slavic)
Marika  (Slavic)
Variant of Mary 'Bitter'
Marika  (Slavic)
Variant of Mary: Bitter
Marika  (Polish)
Marika  (Hebrew)
Marika  (Hungarian)
Bitter or Grace
Marily  (Hebrew)
Marilyn  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Mario  (Italian)
Marion  (Hebrew)
Variant of Mary: Wished-for Child; Rebellion; Bitter
Mariquita  (Spanish)
Marira  (Swedish)
Marisa  (Spanish)
296 names found for "Bitter"   (page 3 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Additional Names

Klaus | Xannon | Albinka | Gwyn | Chuck | Todd | Arif | Ianthe | Danilo | Meliodas | Barbi | Harod | Silver | Nili | Diedrick |