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Names That Mean Cheerful

88 names found for "Cheerful"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Cheerful? We couldn't find the exact name Cheerful, but listed below are some first names meaning Cheerful or names similar to the word Cheerful.

Related Names

Alair  (French)
Cheerful, Glad. Variant of Hilary
Alair  (English)
Alan  (Celtic)
Cheerful, in Harmony
Allaire  (French)
Cheerful; Glad. Variant of Hilary
Allan  (Anglo Norman)
Cheerful,Sentimental,Brave,Spirited,Adventure and Danger
Alleffra  (French)
Allegra  (Italian)
Meaning Cheerful or Lively, Related to the Musical Term Allegro. Allegra Was the Name Given by the Poet Byron to His Illegitimate Daughter Born In
Allen  (English)
Cheerful, in Harmony (Alan)
Allen  (Anglo Norman)
Cheerful,Sentimental,Brave,Spirited,Adventure and Danger
Bahij  (Islamic)
Delightful, Cheerful
Beatrice  (English)
Blessed, Beautiful, Cheerful; Other Forms are Beatrix,Trixy. Origin: Latin
Blithe  (English)
Blythe  (English)
Blithe; Lighthearted; Cheerful
Bonnie  (Scottish)
Beautiful, Good-natured, and Cheerful. Variations: Bonny. (Bon- Nee)
Edmund  (Teutonic)
Rich Protection, Another Form is Edmond, Good-natured, Timid, Cheerful
Ephraim  (Hebrew)
Versatile, Cheerful, Self-reliant, Bountiful (Efrain, Ephrain, Efren)
Esar-haddon  (Biblical)
That Closes the Point, Joy, Cheerfulness
Farah  (Muslim)
Joy. Cheerfulness
Farhaana  (Muslim)
Variant of Farhana: Happy. Joyful. Cheerful. Glad
Farhana  (Muslim)
Happy. Joyful. Cheerful. Glad
Farihah  (Muslim)
Happy. Joyful. Cheerful. Glad
Felix  (Latin)
Happy, Business-like, Cheerful, Stern, Faithful
Hani  (Arabic)
Cheerful and Happy
Hilario  (Norse)
Hilary  (Greek)
Hilary  (English)
Joyful, Glad. Cheerful. Derived from the Latin Name Hilarius
Hilary  (Latin)
Cheerful, Sympathetic, Gay, Ingenuous, Never Becomes Sophisticated. (Hilaire, Hillary)
Hilary  (Latin)
Happy; Cheerful
Hillary  (English)
Variant of Hilary: Joyful, Glad. Cheerful. Derived from the Latin Name Hilarius
Hillary  (Greek)
Hillery  (Latin)
Happy; Cheerful
Iiari  (Basque)
Ilar  (Welsh)
Ilari  (Latin)
Ilario  (Italian)
Ilarion  (Latin)
Jocasta  (Greek)
Jolee  (English)
Cheerful; Pretty
Jolee  (French)
Cheerful; Pretty
Joleigh  (English)
Cheerful; Pretty
Joleigh  (French)
Cheerful; Pretty
Joli  (English)
Cheerful; Pretty
Joli  (French)
Cheerful; Pretty
Jolie  (English)
Cheerful; Pretty
Jolie  (French)
Cheerful; Pretty
Joyce  (English)
Cheerful. Merry. from the Name of Hermit St Judoc (St Judocus or St Josse), Who Was the Son of a Breton King. in Medieval England, This Name Was Given to Children of Either Gender, Although it is Now
Joyceanne  (English)
Cheerful; Merry
Joyceanne  (Latin)
Cheerful; Merry
Joyceanne  (Latin)
Cheerful; Merry
Joycelyn  (English)
Cheerful; Merry
88 names found for "Cheerful"   (page 1 of 2) 

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