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Names That Mean Counsel

231 names found for "Counsel"   (page 2 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean Counsel? We couldn't find the exact name Counsel, but listed below are some first names meaning Counsel or names similar to the word Counsel.

Similar Names

Consuela | Consuelo |

Related Names

Eubulus  (Biblical)
Prudent, Good Counselor
Eubulus  (Biblical)
Prudent, Good Counselor
Faas  (Scandinavian)
Firm Counsel
Fred  (English)
Diminutive of Alfred: Sage, Wise. from the Old English Aelfraed, Meaning Elf Counsel. Also from Ealdfrith or Alfrid, Meaning Old Peace. Handsome
Freda  (English)
Diminutive of Elfreda: Elf Strength, Good Counselor. from the Old English Name Aelfthryth
Gonzalo  (Shakespearean)
'The Tempest' an Honest Old Counsellor
Hammelech  (Biblical)
A King, a Counselor
Hildireth  (German)
Battle Counselor
Hildreth  (German)
Battle Counselor
Huz  (Biblical)
Counsel, Woods, Fastened
Huz  (Biblical)
Counsel, Woods, Fastened
Jamlech  (Biblical)
Reigning, Asking Counsel
Jamlech  (Biblical)
Reigning, Asking Counsel
Jehush  (Biblical)
Keeping Counsel, Fastened
Jehush  (Biblical)
Keeping Counsel, Fastened
Konrad  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Conrad 'Counselor'
Kurt  (German)
Diminutive of the German Variant of Conrad: Bold Counsel. Honest Advisor
Landra  (Spanish)
Counselor. Abbreviation of Landrada
Landra  (German)
'Counselor.' Abbreviation of Landrada
Landrada  (Spanish)
Larcwide  (Anglo Saxon)
Madelhari  (German)
War Counselor
Madelhari  (German)
Army Counselor
Malcham  (Biblical)
Their King; Their Counselor
Malchiah  (Biblical)
The Lord My King; or My Counselor
Malchiel  (Biblical)
God is My King; or Counselor
Malchijah  (Biblical)
The Lord My King; or My Counselor
Malchom  (Biblical)
Their King; Their Counselor
Malchus  (Biblical)
My King; Kingdom; or Counselor
Mallory  (German)
Army Counselor (Maloryl
Mallory  (German)
War Counselor
Mallory  (German)
Army Counselor
Malluch  (Biblical)
Reigning, Counseling
Melchi  (Biblical)
My King; My Counsel
Melech  (Biblical)
King; Counselor
Mellicu  (Biblical)
His Kingdom; His Counselor
Mentor  (Greek)
Wise Counselor
Monica  (Latin)
To Advise. Counselor
Monica  (Latin)
Counselor (Monika, Monique)
Monika  (Latin)
Monique  (Latin)
Variant of Monica: to Advise. Counselor
Mushirah  (Muslim)
Giving Counsel. Advising
Naasah  (Muslim)
Variant of Nasah: Counselor. Advisor
Nasah  (Muslim)
Counselor. Advisor
Nathan-melech  (Biblical)
'The Gift of the King, or of Counsel'
Osraed  (English)
Divine Counselor
Osred  (English)
Divine Counselor
Osrid  (English)
Divine Counselor
Osryd  (English)
Divine Counselor
Quin  (Gaelic)
Counsel. Variant of Quinn
231 names found for "Counsel"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Calneh | Brantley | Derrick | Aleksy | Mahesa | Giah | Dubhloach | Diallo | Anrai | Princess | Sushila | Ernestina | Aralt | Gregor | Lauralyn |