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Names That Mean Counselor

138 names found for "Counselor"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Counselor? We couldn't find the exact name Counselor, but listed below are some first names meaning Counselor or names similar to the word Counselor.

Related Names

Melech  (Biblical)
King; Counselor
Mellicu  (Biblical)
His Kingdom; His Counselor
Mentor  (Greek)
Wise Counselor
Monica  (Latin)
To Advise. Counselor
Monica  (Latin)
Counselor (Monika, Monique)
Monika  (Latin)
Monique  (Latin)
Variant of Monica: to Advise. Counselor
Naasah  (Muslim)
Variant of Nasah: Counselor. Advisor
Nasah  (Muslim)
Counselor. Advisor
Osraed  (English)
Divine Counselor
Osred  (English)
Divine Counselor
Osrid  (English)
Divine Counselor
Osryd  (English)
Divine Counselor
Rad  (English)
Counselor (Radd)
Radbert  (English)
Red Haired Counselor
Radburt  (English)
Red Haired Counselor
Radella  (English)
Elfin Counselor
Raedself  (English)
Elfin Counselor
Ragnar  (English)
Strong Counselor. Ancient Personal Name
Ragnar  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. Ancient Personal Name
Rainer  (German)
Strong Counselor
Rainer  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor
Rainier  (French)
Strong Counselor
Rainor  (German)
Strong Counselor
Rainor  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor
Ralph  (English)
Wolf Counselor
Rane  (English)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Rane  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Ranell  (English)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Ranell  (Scandinavian)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
Ranier  (French)
Strong Counselor
Rashaad  (Arabic)
Thinker; Counselor
Rashad  (Arabic)
Thinker; Counselor
Rasheed  (Arabic)
Thinker; Counselor
Rashidi  (African)
Thinker; Counselor. (Swahili)
Raul  (Spanish)
Wolf Counselor
Ray  (English)
Counselor. Abbreviation of Raymond
Rayce  (English)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Rayce  (French)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Rayder  (English)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Rayder  (French)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Raydon  (English)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Raydon  (French)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Rayford  (English)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Rayford  (French)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Raylen  (English)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Raylen  (French)
Counselor. Variant of Raymond
Raynard  (French)
Strong Counselor
Raynard  (German)
Strong Counselor
Rayne  (English)
Strong Counselor. from the Ancient Personal Name Ragnar
138 names found for "Counselor"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Avaro | Jumanah | Samantaka | Zenochka | Asopus | Babette | Alysha | Alwyn | Sherene Aquila | Joell | Catherine | Darton | Gomer | Galen | Davian |