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Names That Mean Crown

179 names found for "Crown"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Looking for names that mean Crown? We couldn't find the exact name Crown, but listed below are some first names meaning Crown or names similar to the word Crown.

Similar Names

Creon | Crom | Cronan | Caron | Caroun |

Related Names

Stesha  (Russian)
Diminutive of Stephania (Gr) Crowned With Laurel
Stesha  (Russian)
Feminine Form of Stephan: Crowned With Laurels
Stevan  (English)
Variant of Stephen 'Crown; Wreath.'
Steve  (Greek)
Diminutive of Stephen: Crown; Victorious
Steven  (Greek)
Crowned One
Steven  (Greek)
Garland, Crown (Stephen, Stefan, Steve, Stevie, Stefano, Etienne, Esteban, Estevan, Stephanas, Stepan, Stepka)
Steven  (English)
Variant of Stephen 'Crown; Wreath.'
Steven  (Greek)
Variant of Stephen: Crown; Victorious
Stevenson  (English)
Variant of Stephen 'Crown; Wreath.'
Stevie  (Greek)
Diminutive of Stephen: Crown; Victorious
Stevie  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Stephen: Crown; Victorious
Stevon  (English)
Variant of Stephen 'Crown; Wreath.'
Stevyn  (English)
Variant of Stephen 'Crown; Wreath.'
Szczepan  (Polish)
Taaj  (Muslim)
Variant of Taj: Crown
Taajwar  (Muslim)
Variant of Tajwar: King. Crowned
Taj  (Hindu)
Taj  (Indian)
Taj  (Islamic)
Taj  (Sanskrit)
Taj  (Muslim)
Tajwar  (Muslim)
King. Crowned
Tiara  (Latin)
Tienette  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Tierra  (Latin)
Headdress. A Tiara is a Jeweled Headpiece or Demi-crown
Tsifira  (Hebrew)
Tynet  (Greek)
Crowned in Victory
Zippor  (Biblical)
Bird, Sparrow, Crown, Desert
Zophar  (Biblical)
Rising Early, Crown

Additional Names

Thurston | Glynae | Jacintha | Ceannfhionn | Adabela | Laurene | Gilon | Acheron | Idone | Nansen | Igraine | Nikson | Jameel | Paris | Selma |