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Names That Mean Crowned

85 names found for "Crowned"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Crowned? We couldn't find the exact name Crowned, but listed below are some first names meaning Crowned or names similar to the word Crowned.

Related Names

Atara  (Hebrew)
Atarah  (Hebrew)
Ateret  (Hebrew)
Brencis  (Slavic)
Crowned With Laurel
Brencis  (Russian)
Crowned With Laurel
Brends  (Russian)
Russian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Laurels'
Carona  (Spanish)
Chencho  (Spanish)
He Who is Crowned With Laurel
Esteban  (Spanish)
Crowned in Victory Variant of Stephen
Estebana  (Spanish)
Crowned With Laurels
Estebe  (Basque)
Crowned With Laurels
Estefan  (Spanish)
Crowned in Victory
Estefana  (Spanish)
Crowned With Laurels
Esteva  (Spanish)
Crowned With Laurels
Etienne  (French)
Crowned One
Fanetta  (French)
Crowned With Laurels
Fanette  (French)
Crowned With Laurels
Garland  (French)
Crowned in Victory 'Wreath; Prize.'
Garland  (French)
Crowned With Flowers
Istvan  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Stephen 'Crowned With Victory'
Kintan  (Indian)
Kiritan  (Indian)
Kitra  (Hebrew)
Kyle  (Hebrew)
Crowned With Laurel (K'El Kile, Kiley, Ky, Kylan, Kylar, Kylen, Kye)
Larunda  (Spanish)
Crowned With Laurels
Larya  (Slavic)
Crowned With Laurel
Laura  (Spanish)
Crowned With Laurels
Laura  (Latin)
Laurel  (English)
Crowned With Laurel
Lauren  (French)
Crowned With Laurel
Laurence  (French)
Laurencia  (Spanish)
Crowned With Laurels
Laurent  (French)
Crowned With Laurel
Laurentij  (Russian)
Crowned With Laurel
Laurentzi  (Basque)
Crowned With Laurel (Lauran, Lorentz, Loren)
Laurie  (English)
Crowned With Laurels
Lawrence  (Latin)
Lawrencia  (Latin)
Crowned With Laurels
Lora  (Latin)
Lorand  (Hungarian)
Crowned With Laurel
Lorant  (Hungarian)
Crowned With Laurel
Lore  (American)
Crowned With Laurel
Loren  (American)
Crowned With Laurel
Lorena  (Latin)
Crowned With Laurel
Loretta  (Latin)
Crowned With Laurel
Lori  (Latin)
Crowned With Laurel
Lorie  (Latin)
Crowned With Laurel
Lorin  (English)
Crowned With Laurel
Lorna  (Latin)
Crowned With Laurel
Lowri  (Welsh)
Crowned With Laurels
85 names found for "Crowned"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Vincent | Dorotea | Gote | Hilaria | Pisces | Ward | A'Marie | Carbry | Abhaya | Leveret | Deziree | Phoenix | Leonie | Ardinia | Edwyn |