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Names That Mean Dark

508 names found for "Dark"   (page 7 of 11) 

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Looking for names that mean Dark? We couldn't find the exact name Dark, but listed below are some first names meaning Dark or names similar to the word Dark.

Similar Names

Darce | Darcy | D'arcy | Darek | Daric | Darick | Darik | Darrik | Darsy | Dearg |

Related Names

Kali  (Hindu)
Dark Goddess, or Full of Energy
Kali  (Hindu)
Dark Goddess
Karayan  (Armenian)
Keaira  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Dark One
Kearn  (Irish)
Kearn  (Gaelic)
Little Dark
Kearne  (Irish)
Kearney  (Irish)
Dark. Surname
Keary  (Celtic)
Keeran  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little Dark One
Keir  (Celtic)
Dark Skinned
Keir  (Celtic)
Dark-skinned (Keiron, Kieran, Kieron, Kerr)
Keir  (Gaelic)
Dusky; Dark-haired. Actor Keir Dullea
Keir  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark-haired. Famous Bearer: Actor Keir Dullea
Keir  (Scottish)
Of Dark Complexion; Keir Also Believed to Be Derived from Stirlingshire a Name of a Place, Which is Believed to Be Derived from the Gaelic Cathair (A Fort) or the Welsh Caer (A Fort). (Keer)
Keira  (Irish)
Dark Haired
Keira  (Irish)
Feminine of the Irish Gaelic Kieran. Dusky; Dark-haired
Keiran  (Gaelic)
Dusky; Dark-haired
Keiran  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark-haired
Keiran  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little and Dark
Kek  (Egyptian)
God of Darkness
Keket  (Egyptian)
Mythical Goddess of Darkness
Kelby  (German)
Dark; Dark-haired
Kelby  (Polish)
Dark; Dark-haired
Keme  (Gaelic)
Little Dark
Kera  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Keri  (Irish)
Variant of Kerry: Dusky. Dark. Descendents of Ciar. The Name of a County of Ireland. Used for Both Genders
Keriam  (Gaelic)
Dark Haired
Keriana  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Keriann  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Kerianna  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Kerianne  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Kerilyn  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Kern  (Gaelic)
Little Dark
Kern  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Dark Haired Child
Kerra  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Kerri  (Irish)
Variant of Kerry: Dusky. Dark. Descendents of Ciar. The Name of a County of Ireland. Used for Both Genders
Kerri  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Dark and Mysterious
Kerrianne  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark
Kerrie  (Irish)
Variant of Kerry: Dusky. Dark. Descendents of Ciar. The Name of a County of Ireland. Used for Both Genders
Kerrigan  (Irish)
Dusky; Dark. A Surname
Kerry  (Celtic)
Kerry  (Gaelic)
Dusky; Dark. Kerry County in Ireland. Surname
Kerry  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Dark Princess
Kerry  (Irish)
Variant of Kerry: Dusky. Dark. Descendents of Ciar. The Name of a County of Ireland. Used for Both Genders
Kerry  (Gaelic)
Dark Haired
Kerry  (Gaelic)
Dark Haired (Keri, Kerri, Kerrie)
Kerwin  (Celtic)
Dark Skinned
Kerwin  (Irish)
Little Dark One. Small Black One
Kerwyn  (Celtic)
Dark Skinned
508 names found for "Dark"   (page 7 of 11) 

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Additional Names

Oleif | Edwinna | Aholiab | Chaths | Omar | Nygaire | Nikko | Galilee | Tryne | Warwick | Banjo | Rupetta | Tohfa | Dal | Adah |