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Names That Mean Defender

351 names found for "Defender"   (page 3 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Defender? We couldn't find the exact name Defender, but listed below are some first names meaning Defender or names similar to the word Defender.

Similar Names

Devendra |

Related Names

Alexis  (Russian)
Defender or Helper. This Russian Masculine Name Became Popular in Britain and the Us, and is Now Given to Children of Either Sexe
Alexis  (English)
Helper; Defender. Variant of Alexander
Alexis  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Alexander: Defender of Men, Helper. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named
Alexis  (Russian)
Defender or Helper
Alexis  (Latin)
Defender of Man
Alick  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men. Alexander the Great Was a Macedonian King for Whom the Egyptian City of Alexandria is Named. Eight Popes and Three Russian Emperors Have Been Named Alexander
Alickina  (Scottish)
Feminine Form of Alick, a Variant of Alex, Which is a Short Form of Alexander (Defender or Helper of Mankind). Short: Kina
Alik  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
Alisander  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alissander  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alistair  (Greek)
.Variant of Alexander: Defender of Men; Ruler. Also Means Avenger
Alistair  (Gaelic)
A Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Alistair  (Scottish)
Variant of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alistaire  (Gaelic)
Variant of Alexander Defender of Mankind
Alistaire  (Scottish)
Variant of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alister  (Gaelic)
Variant of Alexander Defender of Mankind
Alister  (Scottish)
Variant of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alister  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alistir  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alix  (Greek)
Defender of Man
Alix  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexandra: a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Men, Used in Britain; it Became Popular After the Marriage of the Marriage of Future King Edward Vii to Princess Alexandra of
Alix  (French)
A Variant of Alice Meaning Noble. Also a Feminine Form of Alexander Meaning Defender of Mankind
Alixandra  (French)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Aliya  (Hebrew)
Allie  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Alistair: a Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Allissandre  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Allistair  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Allister  (Gaelic)
Defender of Man
Allister  (Scottish)
Variant of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Allister  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Allistir  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Ally  (Gaelic)
Diminutive of Alistair: a Scottish Gaelic Variant of Alexander from the Greek Meaning Defender of Man
Almund  (Anglo Saxon)
Defender of the Temple
Alondra  (Spanish)
Variant of Alexandra: Defender of Mankind
Alsandair  (Irish)
Defender of Man
Alsandair  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alsandare  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alwin  (Anglo Saxon)
Alyosha  (Greek)
Defender of Man
Alyoshenka  (Greek)
Defender of Man
Alyssandra  (French)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
Alyx  (Greek)
'Helper; Defender.' Variant of Alexander
Alyx  (English)
Helper; Defender. Variant of Alexander
Amalia  (Teutonic)
Amalie  (Teutonic)
Amalija  (Teutonic)
Amelia  (Teutonic)
Amelie  (Teutonic)
Anselma  (Teutonic)
Divine Defender
Aseem  (Arabic)
Variant of Azim: Defender
351 names found for "Defender"   (page 3 of 8) 

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Additional Names

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