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Names That Mean Eagle

171 names found for "Eagle"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Eagle? We couldn't find the exact name Eagle, but listed below are some first names meaning Eagle or names similar to the word Eagle.

Related Names

Arnold  (Teutonic)
Eagle Power, Worldly, Pleasure-loving, Intelligent. Rather Self-centered
Arnold  (German)
Strong As an Eagle
Arnold  (Teutonic)
Strong As an Eagle
Arnold  (German)
The Eagle Rules; Strong As an Eagle. Famous Bearer: Movie Star and Producer/Directer Arnold Schwarzennegger
Arnolde  (German)
Variant of Arnold: the Eagle Rules; Strong As an Eagle. Famous Bearer: Movie Star and Producer/Directer Arnold Schwarzennegger
Arnoldo  (Spanish)
Strong As an Eagle
Arnoldo  (German)
Variant of Arnold: the Eagle Rules; Strong As an Eagle. Famous Bearer: Movie Star and Producer/Directer Arnold Schwarzennegger
Arnott  (English)
Little Eagle
Arnt  (German)
Arny  (German)
Diminutive of Arnold: the Eagle Rules; Strong As an Eagle. Famous Bearer: Movie Star and Producer/Directer Arnold Schwarzennegger
Aroldo  (Teutonic)
Strong As an Eagle
Artair  (Anglo Saxon)
Like an Eagle
Arth  (Anglo Saxon)
Like an Eagle
Arthw  (Anglo Saxon)
Like an Eagle
Arundel  (English)
From the Eagle's Dell
Arvada  (Danish)
Arve  (Norse)
Eagle Tree
Arvid  (Norse)
Eagle Tree
Bennu  (Egyptian)
Darvell  (English)
Town of Eagles
Darvell  (French)
Town of Eagles
Dyami  (Native American)
An Eagle
Dyami  (Native American)
Earna  (English)
Erna  (English)
Ernest  (Teutonic)
Eagle Stone, Youthful, Enthusiastic, Trusting
Ernestine  (Teutonic)
Eagle Stone, Trusting, Youthful, Enthusiastic
Fiacra  (Celtic)
Fiacre  (Celtic)
Garud  (Hindu)
Vishnu's Vehicle - Eagle
Griff  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion
Griffen  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion. Note: This Database is Copyright , Muse Creation
Gryphon  (Welsh)
Fighting Chief; Fierce. The Fierce Gryphon of Greek Mythology and Medieval Legend Was a Creature With Foreparts of an Eagle and Hindquarters of a Lion
Haytham  (Islamic)
Young Eagle
Iolana  (Hawaiian)
Soar Like an Eagle
Kacie  (Irish)
Eagle-eyed (Kacev, Kaci, Kaycee, Kaycee)
Kwahu  (Native American)
Eagle (Hopi)
Makya  (Native American)
Eagle Hunter (Hopi)
Makya  (American)
Eagle Hunter
Makya  (Native American)
One Who Hunts Eagles
Migisi  (Native American)
Migisi  (Native American)
Eagle (Chippewa)
Ony  (Russian)
Ony  (Slavic)
Oral  (Russian)
Oral  (Slavic)
Orel  (Russian)
Orel  (Slavic)
Orell  (Russian)
Orell  (Slavic)
171 names found for "Eagle"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Newman | Elikai | Ryon | Jared | Padgett | Tolman | Onfroi | Lorne | Alec | Saguna | Anita | Carrson | Uday | Abdur Rahman | Demitrius |