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Names That Mean Faith

199 names found for "Faith"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Faith? We couldn't find the exact name Faith, but listed below are some first names meaning Faith or names similar to the word Faith.

Similar Names

Faidh | Fateh | Fath | Fathi | Faida | Faithe | Fate | Fayth | Faythe |

Related Names

Gryphin  (Welsh)
Strong in Faith
Hantaywee  (Native American)
Helga  (Scandinavian)
Holy, Faithful
Heman  (Hebrew)
Hope  (English)
Trust, Faith
Hope  (English)
One of the Three Christian Virtues (Faith, Hope and Charity)
Husaamudin  (Muslim)
Variant of Husamudeen: the Sword of the Faith
Husam al Din  (Arabic)
Sword of Faith
Husamudeen  (Muslim)
The Sword of the Faith
Imaadudin  (Muslim)
Variant of Imadudeen: the Pillar of the Faith
Imaan  (Muslim)
Variant of Iman: Faith. Belief
Imadudeen  (Muslim)
The Pillar of the Faith
Imadudin  (Muslim)
Variant of Imadudeen: the Pillar of the Faith
Iman  (Muslim)
Faith. Belief
Iman  (African)
Iman  (Islamic)
Faith or Belief
Imani  (African)
Ivy  (English)
Faithfulness. This Name is Derived from the Plant Name
Izzudeen  (Muslim)
Variant of Izzudin: Might of the Faith
Izzudin  (Muslim)
Might of the Faith
Jalaal  (Muslim)
Variant of Jalal: Grandeur. Glory. Glory of the Faith
Jalal  (Muslim)
Variant of Jelal: Loftiness. Sublimity. Glory. Also Grandeur, Glory, Glory of the Faith
Jalaluddin  (Muslim)
Variant of Jelaluddin: Glory of the Faith
Jamaaluddin  (Muslim)
Variant of Jamaludin: Beauty of the Faith
Jamaaludeen  (Muslim)
Variant of Jamaludin: Beauty of the Faith
Jamaludin  (Muslim)
Beauty of the Faith
Jelaluddeen  (Muslim)
Variant of Jelaluddin: Glory of the Faith
Jelaluddin  (Muslim)
Glory of the Faith
Jelaludeen  (Muslim)
Variant of Jelaluddin: Glory of the Faith
Kalb  (Hebrew)
Faithful, Bold
Kaleb  (Hebrew)
From Caleb-faithful, Bold
Kalil  (Islamic)
Faithful Friend (Kahlil, Kalee, Khaleel)
Khairudeen  (Muslim)
Variant of Khairudin: the Good of the Faith
Khairudin  (Muslim)
The Good of the Faith
Kostya  (Slavic)
Lancelot  (Latin)
Servant, Another Form is Launcelot, Courteous, Faithful, Intelligent
Leal  (French)
Leal  (French)
Leala  (Spanish)
Loyal; Faithful
Leala  (French)
Loyal. Loyalty. Faithful
Lealia  (French)
Loyal. Loyalty. Faithful
Lela  (French)
Loyal. Loyalty. Faithful
Leola  (French)
Loyal. Loyalty. Faithful
Lionel  (Latin)
Little Lion, Staunch, Faithful, Hot-tempered
Loyal  (English)
Faithful; Unswerving
Loyal  (English)
Faithful, True
Majduddeen  (Muslim)
Variant of Majduddin: the Glory of the Faith
Majduddin  (Muslim)
The Glory of the Faith
March  (Celtic)
Horse, Boisterous, Strong, Faithful, Ideas Rather Conservative
Mimi  (French)
Faithful Guard
199 names found for "Faith"   (page 3 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Magnolia | Geri | Baniti | Zamurrad | Romaine | Trumble | Divone | Mair | Baldwynn | Druce | Yuki | Abdalla | Asha | Hosanna | Jenica |