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Names That Mean Fighter

169 names found for "Fighter"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Fighter? We couldn't find the exact name Fighter, but listed below are some first names meaning Fighter or names similar to the word Fighter.

Similar Names

Foster |

Related Names

Garroway  (English)
Spear Fighter
Garwig  (English)
Spear Fighter
Gellert  (Teutonic)
Resolute Fighter
Gilamu  (Teutonic)
Resolute Fighter
Gillen  (Teutonic)
Resolute Fighter
Guilerme  (Teutonic)
Resolute Fighter
Guillame  (Teutonic)
Resolute Fighter
Gwallter  (Welsh)
Welsh Form of Walter 'strong Fighter'
He lush ka  (Native American)
Fighter (Winnebago)
Hedvige  (French)
Heloise  (French)
Famous Fighter
Herhert  (Teutonic)
Shining Fighter
Heribert  (Teutonic)
Shining Fighter
Heriberto  (Teutonic)
Shining Fighter
Herold  (Dutch)
Strong Fighter
Hilda  (Swedish)
Hildegard  (Swedish)
Imelda  (Spanish)
Powerful Fighter. The Name of a Fourteenth-century Spanish Saint
Ingvar  (Swedish)
Famous Fighter
Junaid  (Islamic)
Fighter, Warrior
Kaden  (American)
Kane  (Irish)
Karney  (Celtic)
Kearney  (Celtic)
Kemp  (English)
Lewy  (German)
Famous Fighter
Lothair  (French)
Lothair  (Teutonic)
Lothar  (Teutonic)
Louella  (French)
Feminine Form of Louis: Famous Warrior. Renowned Fighter
Louis  (German)
Famous Fighter
Louisa  (French)
Feminine Form of Louis: Famous Warrior. Renowned Fighter
Louise  (French)
Feminine Form of Louis: Famous Warrior. Renowned Fighter
Luduvico  (German)
Famous Fighter
Ludwig  (German)
Famous Fighter
Ludwik  (German)
Famous Fighter
Lughaidh  (German)
Famous Fighter
Luigi  (German)
Famous Fighter
Luigi  (Italian)
Renowned Fighter. Form of the French Louis
Luiginw  (German)
Famous Fighter
Luis  (German)
Famous Fighter
Luki  (German)
Famous Fighter
Lutz  (German)
Famous Fighter
Madison  (English)
Surname Derived from Matthew 'Gift of God' or from Matilda 'strong Fighter.'
Madison  (English)
Surname Derived from Matthew: (Gift of Jah) or Matilda: (Strong Fighter). The Mermaid Heroine of the Film 'splash. '
Magne  (Norse)
Magnild  (Norse)
Magnild  (Norse)
Strong Fighter
Magnilda  (Norse)
Strong Fighter
Magnilde  (Norse)
Strong Fighter
169 names found for "Fighter"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Zobebah | Reynald | Nike | Culloden | Walfrid | Lyonya | Valentin | Folant | Spere | Kalinda | Damaris | Kripasagar | Nerice | Lodoiska | Edmyg |