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Names That Mean Flower

575 names found for "Flower"   (page 2 of 12) 

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Looking for names that mean Flower? We couldn't find the exact name Flower, but listed below are some first names meaning Flower or names similar to the word Flower.

Similar Names

Fowler | Flor |

Related Names

Azhar  (Arabic)
Azhara  (Arabic)
Aziel  (Hebrew)
Bakula  (Indian)
Nagakeshar flower
Bakula  (Hindu)
Nagakeshar Flower
Barbie  (Greek)
Dry. A Flower Name
Barbra  (Greek)
Dry. A Flower Name
Berry  (English)
Flower; Berry
Bhrungara  (Hindu)
Golden Flower
Binte-zahra  (Islamic)
Flower Girl
Blanchefleur  (French)
White Flower
Blancheflor  (Arthurian Legend)
White Flower
Blancheflour  (Arthurian Legend)
White Flower
Blathma  (Irish)
Blathnaid  (Irish)
Blodwen  (Welsh)
White Flower
Blodwyn  (Welsh)
White Flower
Blodwyn  (Welsh)
Blossom  (English)
Blossom  (English)
Flower Like
Bluma  (Hebrew)
A Flower, Bloom
Bokul  (Hindu)
Nagakesara Tree- a Spice With Very Fragrant Flowers (Bakul)
Botan  (Japanese)
Peony (Flower for June)
Brione  (Greek)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Brione  (English)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Brioni  (Greek)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Brioni  (English)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Brionna  (Greek)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Brionna  (English)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Brionne  (Greek)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Brionne  (English)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Briony  (Greek)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Briony  (English)
From the Plant Name, the Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine. Used Commonly As a First Name Since the Early Th Century
Bryani  (Greek)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Bryani  (English)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Bryony  (Greek)
The Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine
Bryony  (English)
From the Plant Name, the Name of a Flowering Vine Used in Folk Medicine. Used Commonly As a First Name Since the Early Th Century
Calantha  (French)
Beautiful Flower
Calanthe  (French)
Beautiful Flower
Camelia  (Latin)
A Flower Name
Camella  (English)
Variant of the Flower Name Camelia
Camellia  (English)
Variant of the Flower Name Camelia
Camille  (English)
Variant of the Flower Name Camelia
Chameli  (Indian)
a creeper with flowers
Chameli  (Hindu)
Jasmine Flower
Chelsea  (English)
Chloris  (Greek)
Blooming. Mythological Goddess of Flowers or Spring
Chole  (Greek)
Chrisann  (English)
Golden Flower (Chrisanne, Chrysann, Crisann)
Chu'si  (Native American)
Snake Flower (Hopi)
575 names found for "Flower"   (page 2 of 12) 

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Additional Names

Velda | Inda | Dasha | MacDaibhidh | Cis | Charissa | Marvyn | Precious | Shamus | Tasneem | Clodovea | Treise | Donatello | Zabad | Latoya |