Looking for names that mean Fortress? We couldn't find the exact name Fortress, but listed below are some first names meaning Fortress or names similar to the word Fortress.
Kim(English) Diminutive of Kimberly: from the Wood of the Royal Forest. from the Royal Fortress Meadow
Kimberley(English) Variant of Kimberly: from the Wood of the Royal Forest. from the Royal Fortress Meadow. A Surname and Place Name That Can Be Used for Both Genders, Although it is More Commonly Used As a Girl's Name
Kimberly(English) By the Royal Fortress Meadow (Kim, Kimberlee, Kimberley, Kimmi, Kimmie, Kym)
Kimberly(English) From the Wood of the Royal Forest. from the Royal Fortress Meadow. A Surname and Place Name That Can Be Used for Both Genders, Although it is More Commonly Used As a Girl's Name