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Names That Mean Graceful

122 names found for "Graceful"   (page 3 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Graceful? We couldn't find the exact name Graceful, but listed below are some first names meaning Graceful or names similar to the word Graceful.

Related Names

Susan  (Hebrew)
Variant of Susannah: Graceful Lily
Susanna  (Hebrew)
Variant of Susannah: Graceful Lily
Susannah  (Hebrew)
Graceful Lily. in the Apocryphal Book of Tobit Susannah Courageously Defended Herself Against Wrongful Accusation. White Lilies Grew in the Biblical City of Susa in Persia
Susanne  (Hebrew)
Variant of Susannah: Graceful Lily
Susie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Susannah: Graceful Lily
Suzanna  (Hebrew)
Variant of Susannah: Graceful Lily
Suzanne  (French)
Graceful Lily
Suzanne  (Hebrew)
Variant of Susannah: Graceful Lily
Suzette  (Hebrew)
Variant of Susannah: Graceful Lily
Suzy  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Susannah: Graceful Lily
Tabitha  (Aramaic)
Gazelle. The Gazelle Was Anciently Regarded As a Symbolr of Graceful Beauty
Ting  (Chinese)
Slim, Graceful
Violet  (Latin)
Modest Grace, Graceful, Imaginative, Her Heart Rules Her Head
Waseem  (Muslim)
Variant of Wasim: Graceful. Handsome. Good Looking
Waseeme  (Muslim)
Variant of Wasime: Graceful. Pretty
Wasim  (Muslim)
Graceful. Handsome. Good Looking
Wasime  (Muslim)
Graceful. Pretty
Willow  (English)
Slender;Graceful. from the Willow Tree Noted for Slender Graceful Branches and Leaves
Xiu  (Chinese)
Juan Elegant, Graceful
Yvonne  (Teutonic)
Archer, Graceful, Inconstant, Calm Flirtatious Nature
Zana  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Susannah: Graceful Lily
Zi  (Chinese)
Graceful, Beautiful

Additional Names

Pellean | Jerry | Nayana | Cathmor | Akhtar | Bird | ThTrFse | Balasi | Balthasar | Raud | Hernando | Bena | Adine | Kollsvein | Caoimhghin |