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Names That Mean Haired

349 names found for "Haired"   (page 4 of 7) 

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Looking for names that mean Haired? We couldn't find the exact name Haired, but listed below are some first names meaning Haired or names similar to the word Haired.

Similar Names

Harod | Harrod |

Related Names

Fingal  (Scottish)
Variant of Fingall: Fair-haired Stranger
Fingall  (Scottish)
Fair-haired Stranger
Fingall  (English)
Fair-haired Stranger; an Anglicized Form of Gaelic Fionnghall, a Compound Name Composed of the Gaelic Elements Fionn (White, Fair) and Gal (A Stranger). Variations: Fingal. (Fingl)
Finlay  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Blond-haired Soldier
Finlay  (English)
Fair-haired Warrior;An Anglicized Form of Fionnlagh and Fionnia, Compound Names Composed of the Gaelic Elements Fionn (White, Fair) and Laogh (Warrior, Calf). Variations: Finley. (Fin-lay)
Finley  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Fair Haired One
Finley  (Gaelic)
Fair-haired (Findlay, Findley)
Finola  (Celtic/Gaelic)
White Haired
Fiona  (Celtic)
Fair-complected or Fair-haired
Fionnbharr  (Irish)
Variant of Finbar: Blond-haired; Handsome
Fionnla  (Scottish)
Variant of Fionnlagh: Fair-haired Soldier
Fionnlagh  (Scottish)
Fair-haired Soldier
FIynn  (Gaelic)
Son of the Red Haired One
Flaine  (Irish)
Variant of Flannery: Red-haired
Flann  (Gaelic)
Red Haired
Flann  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Son of the Red-haired Man
Flanna  (Irish)
Red Haired
Flannan  (Irish)
Variant of Flannery: Red-haired
Flannery  (Irish)
Flavia  (Latin)
Variant of Flavian: Yellow-haired
Flavian  (English)
Flavian  (Latin)
Flavien  (Latin)
Variant of Flavian: Yellow-haired
Flavio  (Latin)
Variant of Flavian: Yellow-haired
Flin  (Gaelic)
Son of the Red Haired One
Flin  (Irish)
Variant of Flynn: Son of a Red-haired Man
Flinn  (Irish)
Son of a Red-haired Man
Flyn  (Irish)
Son of a Red-haired Man
Flynn  (Irish)
Son of a Red-haired Man. Surname
Flynn  (Gaelic)
Son of the Red-haired One
Frisa  (English)
Curly - Haired
Gilroy  (Scottish)
Servant of the Red-haired Lad; Used As a Surname, Thought to Be Derived from the Gaelic Gill Ruaidh (Servant of the Red-haired Lad). (Gil-roy)
Gilroy  (Celtic)
Serves the Red Haired Lord
Gilroy  (Gaelic)
Serves the Red-haired One, or Ervant of the Man With Red Hair. Both As a Surname and Given Name
Giollaruaidh  (Gaelic)
Serves the Red Haired One
Graden  (English)
Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Gradon  (English)
Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Gray  (English)
Graysen  (English)
Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Grayson  (English)
Son of the Grey-haired One
Grayson  (English)
Son of the Reeve or Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Grey  (English)
Greyson  (English)
Gray-haired: Son of the Gray Family; Son of Gregory
Gricelda  (German)
Gray; Gray-haired. Italian Author Giovanni Boccaccio Used the Name for an Exceptionally Patient Fictional Wife - Thus the Expression 'Patience of Griselda'
Gricelda  (Latin)
Gray; Gray-haired
Griffeth  (Welsh)
Red Haired
Griselda  (Latin)
Gray; Gray-haired. Italian Author Giovanni Boccaccio's Used the Name for an Exceptionally Patient Wife - Thus the Expression 'Patience of Griselda
Griselda  (Teutonic)
Gray Haired Heroine
Griselde  (Teutonic)
Gray Haired Heroine
Griseldis  (Teutonic)
Gray Haired Heroine
349 names found for "Haired"   (page 4 of 7) 

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Additional Names

Cenobia | Dara | Oskar | Elzabad | Cheryl | Geovanny | Pumeet | Lisa | Kallista | Napayshni | Jovanny | Hester | Rurik | Sujata | Ailsa |