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Names That Mean Home

223 names found for "Home"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Home? We couldn't find the exact name Home, but listed below are some first names meaning Home or names similar to the word Home.

Similar Names

Ham | Hamo | Hane | Homam | Honi | Hume | Hymen | Hymie | Hama | Hema |

Related Names

Chalmers  (Teutonic)
Lord of the Home
Chalmers  (Scottish)
Rules the Home
Darda  (Biblical)
Home of Knowledge
Denton  (English)
Happy Home
Domela  (Latin)
Mistress of the Home
Domele  (Latin)
Mistress of the Home
Donelle  (Latin)
Small Mistress of the Home
Dor  (Hebrew)
A Home
Duriel  (Hebrew)
God is My Home
Ealuvig  (Gaelic)
Ruler of the Home
Eanraig  (Scottish)
Home Ruler
Eanraig  (Gaelic)
Home Ruler, Ruler of a Enclosure; Gaelic Form of Henry.(Ane-ray)
Eanruig  (Scottish)
Rules the Home
Eden  (Hebrew)
Perfect, Pleasure, Delight. Famous Reference: the Biblical Garden of Eden, First Home of Adam and Eve
Edenia  (Spanish)
Pleasure. from the Hebrew Eden Which Was the Gardenlike Biblical First Home of Adam and Eve in the Bible
Einri  (Irish)
Rules the Home
Ellswerth  (English)
Variant of Ellsworth: Great Man's Home
Ellsworth  (English)
Great Man's Home
Elysia  (Latin)
The Blessed Home
Enrica  (Teutonic)
Ruler of the Home
Enrico  (Hispanic)
Form of Hen Ruler of the Home
Enrico  (Italian)
Italian Form of Henry 'Rules the Home'
Enrika  (Teutonic)
Ruler of the Home
Enrique  (Spanish)
Ruler of the Home
Enriqueta  (Teutonic)
Ruler of the Home
Enzio  (Italian)
Ruler at Home
Enzo  (Italian)
Winner. Italian Form of Henry 'Rules the Home'
Etta  (Teutonic)
Ruler of the Home
Etta  (American)
Ruler of the Home
Freda  (Teutonic)
Peace, Home-loving, Placid, Intellectual
Graeghamm  (English)
From the Gray Home
Graeham  (English)
From the Gray Home
Graeme  (English)
Farm Home
Graeme  (Scottish)
This Scottish Surname is a Variant of the Lincolnshire Place Name Grantham, Meaning Grant's Homestead, or Farm Home, and is Also a Common Given Name. Famous Bearer: British Writer Graham Greene
Graham  (English)
A Surname Originating from a Place Called Grantham in Lincolnshire. The First Element is Uncertain, But the Second is from the Old English Ham (Home, Dwelling, Manor). Variations: Graeme, Grahame. (Gr
Graham  (English)
From the Great Meadow 'Farm Home.' Surname
Graham  (English)
Gray Home
Graham  (English)
Home in Gravelled Valley
Graham  (Scottish)
This Scottish Surname is a Variant of the Lincolnshire Place Name Grantham, Meaning Grant's Homestead, and is Also a Common Given Name. Famous Bearer: British Writer Graham Greene
Grahame  (Scottish)
This Scottish Surname is a Variant of the Lincolnshire Place Name Grantham, Meaning Grant's Homestead, or Farm Home, and is Also a Common Given Name. Famous Bearer: British Writer Graham Greene
Gram  (English)
From the Gray Home
Hagan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Ruler of the Home
Hahkethomemah  (Native American)
Little Robe (Cheyenne)
Hal  (German)
Diminutive of Henry: Home or House Ruler
Halfrith  (English)
Peaceful Home
Halfryta  (English)
Peaceful Home
Hallfrita  (English)
Peaceful Home
Ham  (Anglo Saxon)
Hamlet  (English)
Hamlet  (English)
Variant of Hamo: House or Home. Introduced from Germany During the Norman Conquest. Also Used As a Surname
223 names found for "Home"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Abegayle | Mentor | Monifa | Ilo | Luisa | Pert | Marcelinda | Dallen | Kalpana | Mawrth | Maolmin | Centaurus | Sixtus | Melleta | Yori |