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Names That Mean Horse

176 names found for "Horse"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Horse? We couldn't find the exact name Horse, but listed below are some first names meaning Horse or names similar to the word Horse.

Similar Names

Harsh | Hersi | Hirsi | Horace | Horaz | Horus |

Related Names

Achaius  (Irish)
Achaius  (Scottish)
Friend of a Horse
Aghy  (Irish)
Friend of Horses
Agna-iyanke  (Native American)
Runs Beside Horse
Ahearn  (Celtic)
Lord of the Horses
Ahearn  (Irish)
Lord of the Horses
Aherin  (Gaelic)
Owns Many Horses
Ahern  (Celtic)
Lord of the Horses
Ahern  (Irish)
Lord of the Horses
Ahern  (Gaelic)
Owns Many Horses
Aherne  (Gaelic)
Owns Many Horses
Archippus  (Biblical)
A Master of Horses
Arian  (Welsh)
Silver. Derived from Greek Arion, Mythological Magic Horse Born to Poseidon and Demeter
Arien  (Greek)
A Greek Poet and Musician. The Mythological Magic Horse Born to Poseidon and Demeter
Arion  (Greek)
.A Greek Poet and Musician. The Mythological Magic Talking Horse Born to Poseidon and Demeter
Arkhippos  (Greek)
Ruler of Horses
Arvakl  (Norse)
A Mythical Horse
Ashvaghosha  (Hindu)
Horse's Neigh
Ashwini  (Hindu)
Horseman; Name of a Constellation; Also Name of a Month in the Hindu Calendar
Borak  (Arabic)
The Lightning. Al Borak Was the Legenday Magical Horse That Bore Muhammad from Earth to the Seventh Heaven
Centaurus  (Latin)
Half Man Half Horse
Cheval  (French)
Horseman; Knight. an Abbreviation of Chevalier. Actor-comedian Chevy Chase
Chevalier  (French)
Horseman; Knight
Chevell  (French)
Horseman; Knight. an Abbreviation of Chevalier. Actor-comedian Chevy Chase
Chevy  (French)
Horseman; Knight. an Abbreviation of Chevalier. Actor-comedian Chevy Chase
Colter  (English)
Horse Herdsman. Variant of Colt: Young Horse;Frisky
Coltere  (English)
Horse Herdsman
Coltrane  (English)
Variant of Colt: Young Horse;Frisky
Coulter  (English)
Variant of Colt: Young Horse;Frisky
Eachan  (Irish)
Eachann  (Scottish)
Brown Horse; a Compound Name Derived from the Gaelic Elements Each (Horse) and Donn (Brown). Anglicization: Hector
Eachann  (Irish)
Eachthighearn  (Gaelic)
Horse Lord
Eochaidh  (Irish)
Epeius  (Greek)
Maker of the Trojan Horse
Epona  (Latin)
Protectress of Horses
Faarees  (Muslim)
Variant of Faris: Horseman. Knight
Faaris  (Muslim)
Variant of Faris: Horseman. Knight
Farees  (Muslim)
Variant of Faris: Perspicacity. Also a Horseman or Knight
Faris  (Islamic)
Faris  (Arabic)
Faris  (Muslim)
Perspicacity. Also a Horseman or Knight
Felipe  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Phillip 'Loves Horses'
Filib  (Gaelic)
Lover of Horses; Gaelic Form of Philip. (Fil-ib)
Filip  (Russian)
Lover of Horses
Filip  (English)
Lover of Horses; Popular Form of Philip
Filip  (Russian)
Russian Form of Philip 'Loves Horses'
Filip  (Swedish)
Swedish Form of Phillip 'Loves Horses'
Filipa  (Spanish)
Spanish Form of Phillipa: Loves Horses
Filipina  (Greek)
Lover of Horses
176 names found for "Horse"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Eustella | Huthayfa | Verna | Charlotta | Leela | Angele | Wajih | Emmalyn | Jamon | T'iis | Kalei | Hussein | Dathan | Anais | Juandalynn |