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Names That Mean House

235 names found for "House"   (page 2 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean House? We couldn't find the exact name House, but listed below are some first names meaning House or names similar to the word House.

Similar Names

Hok'ee | Hosea | Huso |

Related Names

Beth-meon  (Biblical)
House of the Dwelling-place
Beth-meon  (Biblical)
House of the Dwelling-place
Beth-nimrah  (Biblical)
House of Rebellion
Beth-nimrah  (Biblical)
House of Rebellion
Beth-palet  (Biblical)
House of Expulsion
Beth-palet  (Biblical)
House of Expulsion
Beth-pazzez  (Biblical)
House of Dividing Asunder
Beth-pazzez  (Biblical)
House of Dividing Asunder
Beth-peor  (Biblical)
House of Gaping, or Opening
Beth-peor  (Biblical)
House of Gaping, or Opening
Beth-phelet  (Biblical)
House of Expulsion
Beth-phelet  (Biblical)
House of Expulsion
Beth-rapha  (Biblical)
House of Health
Beth-rapha  (Biblical)
House of Health
Beth-shean  (Biblical)
House of the Tooth, or of Ivory, or of Sleep
Beth-shean  (Biblical)
House of the Tooth, or of Ivory, or of Sleep
Beth-shemesh  (Biblical)
House of the Sun
Beth-shemesh  (Biblical)
House of the Sun
Beth-zur  (Biblical)
House of a Rock
Beth-zur  (Biblical)
House of a Rock
Bethabara  (Biblical)
The House of Confidence
Bethabara  (Biblical)
The House of Confidence
Bethanath  (Biblical)
House of Affliction
Bethanath  (Biblical)
House of Affliction
Bethany  (Biblical)
'The House of Song, the House of Affliction'
Bethany  (Aramaic)
House of Poverty
Betharabah  (Biblical)
House of Sweet Smell
Betharabah  (Biblical)
House of Sweet Smell
Bethel  (Hebrew)
House of God, from a Biblical Place Name
Bethel  (Hebrew)
House of God
Betheli  (Hebrew)
House of God
Bethell  (Hebrew)
House of God, from a Biblical Place Name
Bethemek  (Biblical)
House of Deepness
Bethemek  (Biblical)
House of Deepness
Bethesda  (Biblical)
House of Pity or Mercy
Bethesda  (Biblical)
House of Pity or Mercy
Bethesda  (Hebrew)
House of Mercy
Bethiar  (English)
House of God
Bethphage  (Biblical)
House of My Month
Bethphage  (Biblical)
House of My Month
Bethsaida  (Biblical)
House of Fruits, or of Food, or of Snares
Bethsaida  (Biblical)
House of Fruits, or of Food, or of Snares
Bethshan  (Biblical)
House of the Tooth, or of Ivory, or of Sleep
Bethshan  (Biblical)
House of the Tooth, or of Ivory, or of Sleep
Betia  (English)
House of God
Boot  (English)
Variant of Booth: House
Boote  (English)
Variant of Booth: House
Both  (Scottish)
From the Stone House
Bothain  (Scottish)
From the Stone House
Bothan  (Scottish)
From the Stone House
235 names found for "House"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Javas | Brant | Delaney | Lacina | Lonnie | Upwode | Tuyen | Edythe | Fearcharia | Kunal | Aristid | Dafydd | Akash | Hagley | Haytham |