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Names That Mean Kind

281 names found for "Kind"   (page 1 of 6) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Looking for names that mean Kind? We couldn't find the exact name Kind, but listed below are some first names meaning Kind or names similar to the word Kind.

Similar Names

Kent | Knud | Kainda | Kande | Kandi | Kandy | Kenda | Kunda | Kendi |

Related Names

Abdal Lafif  (Arabic)
Servant of the Kind One
Abdel Lafif  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Lafif: Servant of the Kind One
Abdul Lafif  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdal Lafif: Servant of the Kind One
Abdul Lateef  (Muslim)
Servant of the Kind
Abdul Lateef  (Arabic)
Variant of Abdul Latif: One Who Serves a Kind Man
Abdul Latif  (Arabic)
One Who Serves a Kind Man
Abdul Latif  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Lateef: Servant of the Kind
Abdul-Lateef  (Muslim)
Servant of the Kind
Abdul-Latif  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-lateef: Servant of the Kind
Ada  (German)
Noble, Kind
Adam  (Hebrew)
Adelaide  (German)
Noble, Kind
Adele  (German)
Noble, Kind
Adelina  (Spanish)
Noble or Kind or Winged
Adeline  (French)
Noble, Kind
Adelita  (Spanish)
Kind or Winged; of the Nobility. Noble
Adelle  (German)
Noble, Kind
Adie  (German)
Noble, Kind
Ady  (American)
Noble, Kind
Affiq  (Islamic)
Full of Knowledge and Kind
Agacia  (Spanish)
Agata  (Italian)
Agata  (Irish)
Agate  (Basque)
Good or Kind
Agate  (Irish)
Agathe  (French)
Agdta  (Spanish)
Aggie  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Agatha. Kind. Good
Agi  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Agatha. Kind. Good
Agotha  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Agatha. Kind. Good
Agoti  (Hungarian)
Hungarian Form of Agatha. Kind. Good
Agueda  (Greek)
Agueda  (Spanish)
Ailidh  (Celtic)
Ailis  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Noble, Kind
Alandra  (Spanish)
Variant of Alexandra: Defender of Mankind
Alasdair  (Gaelic)
Defender of Mankind; Gaelic Form of Alexander. Variations: Alex
Alasdair  (Scottish)
Variant of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alasdair  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alastair  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alastair  (Gaelic)
Variant of Alexander Defender of Mankind
Alastair  (English)
Protector of Mankind
Alaster  (Greek)
Variant of Alexander: Defender; Protector of Mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great
Alastrina  (Celtic)
Defends Mankind
Alastrine  (Celtic)
Defends Mankind
Alastriona  (Celtic)
Defends Mankind
Alec  (Greek)
Diminutive of Alexander: Defender of Men; Protector of Mankind
Alec  (Scottish)
Abbreviation of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Aleck  (Scottish)
Abbreviation of Alexander 'Defender of Mankind.'
Alejandra  (Spanish)
Defender of Mankind. Feminine of Alexander
281 names found for "Kind"   (page 1 of 6) 

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Additional Names

Sonnehilde | Carnela | Hagar | Philemon | Xuxa | Vivek | Amiri | Aneesa | Theodora | Husani | Sherri | Scott | Travers | Ozur | Patara |