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Names That Mean Lord

656 names found for "Lord"   (page 9 of 14) 

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Looking for names that mean Lord? We couldn't find the exact name Lord, but listed below are some first names meaning Lord or names similar to the word Lord.

Similar Names

Laird | Leorad | Lorda |

Related Names

Josaphat  (Biblical)
The Lord is Judge
Joshaviah  (Biblical)
The Seat, Alteration, or Captivity of the Lord
Joshua  (Hebrew)
The Lord is Salvation, Placid, Firm, Forgiving, Beloved by All Who Know Him
Josiah  (Biblical)
The Lord Burns; the Fire of the Lord
Josiah  (Hebrew)
Yielded to the Lord, Emotional, Daring, Honest, Sometimes a Keen Business Man
Josibiah  (Biblical)
The Seat; or Captivity of the Lord
Josiphiah  (Biblical)
Increase of the Lord, the Lord's Finishing
Jotham  (Biblical)
The Perfection of the Lord
Judah  (Hebrew)
Praise of the Lord, Another Form is Jude, Dominating, Just, Wise
Judah  (Biblical)
The Praise of the Lord, Confession
Kailas  (Hindu)
Home of the Lord
Kami  (Japanese)
Kamlyn  (Japanese)
Variant of Kami. Lord
Kamlyn  (Japanese)
Variant of Kami. Lord
Kammi  (Japanese)
Variant of Kami. Lord
Kammie  (Japanese)
Variant of Kami. Lord
Kannelite  (Hebrew)
Lord's Vineyard
Kanth  (Hindu)
Karman  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Lord of the Castle
Karmelit  (Hebrew)
Lord's Vineyard
Karmelita  (Hebrew)
Lord's Vineyard
Karmia  (Hebrew)
Lord's Vineyard
Karmit  (Hebrew)
Lord's Vineyard
Kasturi Ranga  (Hindu)
Lord Ranganath
Kelaiah  (Biblical)
Voice of the Lord; Gathering Together
Kelitah  (Biblical)
Voice of the Lord; Gathering Together
Kelvin  (English)
River Man. from Old English Words 'ship' and 'Friend'. Famous Bearer: British Physicist Lord Kelvin (-)
Kentigern  (Celtic)
Chief Lord. Name of the First Bishop of Glasgow
Keril  (Greek)
Kiril  (Bulgaria)
Kiril  (Russian)
Lordly One (Kiryl)
Kiril  (Greek)
Lordly One
Kirilr  (Greek)
Kirylr  (Greek)
Kolariah  (Biblical)
Voice of the Lord
Kuiril  (Basque)
Kuirilr  (Greek)
Kylash  (Hindu)
Haven in Hindu Mythology, the Place Lord Shiva Reside; the Name of a Himalayan Mountain
Kyran  (Persian)
Lord, Sir
Kyrene  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Lord, Ruler
Kyrie  (Latin)
The Lord
Kyrillos  (Greek)
Kyrillosr  (Greek)
Laertes  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' Son to Polonius, the Lord Chamberlain
Lafeu  (Shakespearean)
'All's Well That Ends Well.' an Old Lord
Laird  (Scottish)
Lakshmikant  (Hindu)
Goddess Lakshmi's Lord/ Husband - Vishnu
Llia  (Russian)
God is the Lord
Loknath  (Indian)
lord of all worlds
Longaville  (Shakespearean)
'Love's Labours Lost' Lord Attending on King Ferdinand
656 names found for "Lord"   (page 9 of 14) 

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Additional Names

Oriel | Ramey | Syvwkh | Yanamari | Regina | Jaquan | Katarina | Mort | Zara | Alvan | Kostenka | Abednego | Elora | Karessa | Bria |