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Names That Mean Loved

418 names found for "Loved"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Looking for names that mean Loved? We couldn't find the exact name Loved, but listed below are some first names meaning Loved or names similar to the word Loved.

Similar Names

Laveda | Loveday |

Related Names

Chaviv  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Chaviva  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Chaviva  (Hebrew)
Chavive  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Chavivi  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Cher  (French)
Cherie  (French)
Cheryl  (French)
Beloved, Dear (See Also Cher)
Cheryl  (French)
Clytie  (Greek)
Mythological Water Nymph Who Loved the Sun God Helios. She Was Changed into a Sunflower and Now Always Turns Her Face Toward the Sun
Craddock  (Welsh)
Affection; Beloved
Cradoe  (Welsh)
Dabi  (Basque)
Dabi  (Hebrew)
Dearly Loved
Dafydd  (Welsh)
A Welsh Form of the Hebrew Name David, Meaning Beloved or Friend
Dafydd  (Welsh)
Dai  (Welsh)
Shines. A Welsh Diminutive of David, Meaning Beloved or Friend
Daibheid  (Irish)
Dearly Loved
Daibhid  (Irish)
Variant of Daibhidh: Beloved
Daibhidh  (Gaelic)
Daibhidh  (Irish)
Daibhidh  (Gaelic)
Beloved; Form of David
Daith  (Irish)
Diminutive of Daibhidh: Beloved
Daithi  (Irish)
Beloved or Quick and Agile
Daithm  (Irish)
Variant of Daibhidh: Beloved
Dal  (Scottish)
Diminutive of David: Beloved or Friend, Adopted from the Hebrew. David Was a Common Name of Scottish Kings in the Middle Ages
Dal  (Welsh)
Diminutive of David: Beloved or Friend, from the Hebrew. Sixth Century St David (Or Dewi) Was Patron Saint of Wales
Danylynn  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Darel  (Anglo Saxon)
Tenderly Loved
Darelene  (Anglo Saxon)
Tenderly Loved
Darelle  (Anglo Saxon)
Tenderly Loved
Darena  (American)
Famous and Loved
Darla  (English)
Dear, Loved One
Darlene  (Anglo Saxon)
Tenderly Loved
Darline  (Anglo Saxon)
Tenderly Loved
Darolyn  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Darrel  (English)
Beloved, Dear (Daryl)
Darrel  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'. Also a Variant of Darrell
Darrell  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darrellyn  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Darrill  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darrill  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Darrol  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darryll  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Darryll  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
Daryl  (English)
Darling, Dearly Loved, from the Old English 'Deorling'
Daryl  (French)
Dear, Beloved
Daryl  (Anglo Saxon)
Tenderly Loved
Daryl  (English)
Dearly Loved. The Name Daryl for Girls Was Made Popular by Actress Daryl Hannah
Darylene  (English)
Variant of Daryl: Dearly Loved
418 names found for "Loved"   (page 3 of 9) 

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Additional Names

Ramya | Darryl | Learoyd | Aideen | Alpa | Zak | Opal | Arend | Tryphaena | Azura | Gyananand | Meres | Jamesina | Skah | Iris |