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Names That Mean Lover

152 names found for "Lover"   (page 1 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Lover? We couldn't find the exact name Lover, but listed below are some first names meaning Lover or names similar to the word Lover.

Similar Names

Liber |

Related Names

Accalon  (Arthurian Legend)
Lover of Morgan Le Fay
Acis  (Greek)
Lover of Galatea
Adam  (Hebrew)
Red Earth; Lover of Outdoors
Anawrete  (Latin)
Unfeeling Woman Who Caused Her Lover to Hang Himself
Antony  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra' and 'The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.' Mark Antony, Roman Triumvir and Cleopatra's Lover
Ardaleah  (English)
From the Home Lover's Meadow
Ardleigh  (English)
From the Home Lover's Meadow
Ardley  (English)
From the Home Lover's Meadow
Ashiq  (Muslim)
Variant of 'Aashiq: Lover. Fancier
Claefer  (English)
Cleopatra  (Shakespearean)
'Antony and Cleopatra'. Queen of Egypt and Mark Antony's Lover
Clover  (Anglo Saxon)
Clover  (Anglo Saxon)
Meadow Flower (Clove, Clovis, Vera)
Clover  (English)
Clover  (English)
Meadow Flower
Conner  (Irish)
Hound Lover. Variant of Connor: Full of Desire; Much Desire
Connor  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise 'Hound-lover.' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', Meaning High Desire. Famous Bearers: in Irish Mythology Connor Was an Early King of Ulster.; Th Century Irish Diplomat Conor Crui
Conor  (Irish)
Strong Willed or Wise 'Hound-lover.' Also from the Irish 'Coachuhhar', Meaning High Desire
Deirdre  (Irish)
Raging, Broken-hearted, or Fear. The Deirdre of Irish and Scottish Legend Committed Suicide After Her Lover's Murder
Deirdre  (Scottish)
Raging, Broken-hearted, or Fear. The Deirdre of Irish and Scottish Legend Committed Suicide After Her Lover's Murder
Demeter  (Greek)
Earth-lover. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of the Underworld - the Reason for Wi
Demeter  (Greek)
Lover of the Earth
Demetre  (Greek)
Earth-lover. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of the Underworld - the Reason for Wi
Demetrio  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Demetris  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Demetrius  (Greek)
Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of the Underworld - the R
Demetrois  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Demitrius  (Greek)
Lover of the Earth
Dimetre  (Greek)
Earth-lover. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of the Underworld - the Reason for Wi
Dimitre  (Russian)
Variant of Dimitri: Earth-lover
Dimitri  (Russian)
Dimitri  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Dimitrios  (Russian)
Variant of Dimitri: Earth-lover
Dimitry  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Dimitry  (Russian)
Variant of Dimitri: Earth-lover
Dmitr  (Russian)
Variant of Dimitri: Earth-lover
Dmitri  (Slavic)
Lover of the Earth
Dmitri  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Dmitri  (Russian)
Variant of Dimitri: Earth-lover
Dmitrios  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Dmitry  (Greek)
Variant of Demetrius: Earth-lover. of Demeter. Demeter is the Mythological Greek Goddess of Corn and Harvest. She Withdraws for the Part of the Year Her Daughter Persephone Must Spend With the God of
Dyzek  (Polish)
Eachann  (Irish)
Entoria  (Latin)
Lover of Satum
Ettard  (Arthurian Legend)
Lover of Pelleas
Ettare  (Arthurian Legend)
Lover of Pelleas
Faula  (Latin)
Lover of Hercules
Fauna  (Latin)
Lover of Hercules
Filib  (Gaelic)
Lover of Horses; Gaelic Form of Philip. (Fil-ib)
Filip  (English)
Lover of Horses; Popular Form of Philip
152 names found for "Lover"   (page 1 of 4) 

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