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Names That Mean Loving

99 names found for "Loving"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Loving? We couldn't find the exact name Loving, but listed below are some first names meaning Loving or names similar to the word Loving.

Similar Names

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Related Names

Guillermina  (Spanish)
Hameed  (Muslim)
Variant of Hamid: Praising (God). Loving (God)
Hamid  (Muslim)
Praising (God). Loving (God)
Hector  (Greek)
Defender, Freedom-loving, Conscientious, Impulsive
Hubert  (Teutonic)
Mind Bright, Intellectual, Book-loving, Indulgent, He is Reserved With Strangers. (Hobart, Hoyt, Hubbard)
Humphrey  (Teutonic)
Support of Peace, Impulsive, Rash, Loyal, Loving, Sometimes Self-indulgent
Isaac  (Hebrew)
Laughter, Laughter-loving, Proud, Generous, Frequently Self-opinionated.(Ike, Izak, Yitzhak)
Jaquan  (African)
Loving,Good Sprit
Kami  (Hindu)
Kami  (Indian)
Kelleeka  (Scottish, Irish)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving Good Charm
Kelleher  (Irish)
Loving Husband
Kellicka  (Latin)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving. Good Charm Sensitive
Kellina  (Scottish, Irish)
Strong Willed: Caring and Loving Good Charm
Lubmila  (Russian)
Lubmilla  (Russian)
Mabel  (Latin)
Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable.Amabel Was Used Frequently During the Middle Ages and Briefly in the Th Century, and Has Now Been Largely Replaced by the Diminutive Mabel
Mabella  (Latin)
Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable.Amabel Was Used Frequently During the Middle Ages and Briefly in the Th Century, and Has Now Been Largely Replaced by the Diminutive Mabel
Mabelle  (Latin)
Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable
Mable  (Latin)
Diminutive of Amabel: Beautiful, Loving, Lovable
Minna  (Teutonic)
Loving Memory
Minnie  (Teutonic)
Loving Memory
Minny  (Teutonic)
Loving Memory
Panphila  (Greek)
All Loving
Phila  (Greek)
Philida  (Greek)
Philina  (Greek)
Philip  (English)
Lover of Horses; from the Latin Philippus, a Derivative of the Greek Philippos, Which is Composed from the Elements Philos (Loving) and Hippos (Horse). The Name is Borne in the Bible by One of the Twe
Philippa  (Greek)
Loving, Femenine of Phillip
Phillida  (Greek)
Loving. Can Also Be a Variant of Phyllis: Leafy Foliage; Green Bough
Phillina  (Greek)
Phillis  (Greek)
Loving. Can Also Be a Variant of Phyllis: Leafy Foliage; Green Bough
Philomena  (Greek)
Phyllida  (Greek)
Loving. Can Also Be a Variant of Phyllis: Leafy Foliage; Green Bough
Premala  (Hindu)
Ramey  (Arabic)
Rami  (Arabic)
Ramy  (Arabic)
Sylvester  (Latin)
Living in a Wood, Other Forms are Silas, Silvester, Nature-loving, Astute, Frugal
Takchawee  (Native American)
Thandiwe  (African)
The Loving One
Theophila  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Theophilus: God-loving
Theophilus  (Greek)
Vatsala  (Hindu)
Vatsala  (Indian)
Victoria  (Latin)
Conqueror, Self-willed, Intellectual, Couragious, Home Loving Nature
Vincent  (Latin)
Victorious, Sympathetic, Loving, Studious, Interesting Conversationalist. (Vince, Vinny, Vinnie, Vincenzo, Vincente)
Waamiq  (Muslim)
Variant of Wamiq: Loving. Friendly
Wamiq  (Muslim)
Loving. Friendly
99 names found for "Loving"   (page 2 of 2) 

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Additional Names

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