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Names That Mean Moon

236 names found for "Moon"   (page 3 of 5) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Looking for names that mean Moon? We couldn't find the exact name Moon, but listed below are some first names meaning Moon or names similar to the word Moon.

Similar Names

Mahon | Ma'n | Mann | Maon | Maona | Min | Mio | Moe | Mohan | Mona |

Related Names

Jericho  (Biblical)
'His Moon, His Month, His Sweet Smell'
Jericho  (Arabic)
Moon City
Jerico  (Spanish)
City of the Moon. Variant of Hebrew Jericho
Jocasta  (Greek)
Shining Moon. Jocasta Was the Mother and Wife of Oedipus; Once Oedipus and Jocasta Learned That Their Marriage Was Incestuous, Oedipus Blinded Himself and Jocasta Committed Suicide
Jyotish  (Indian)
Jyotsna  (Indian)
moon light
Jyotsna  (Hindu)
Moon Light
Kamaria  (Swahili)
Like the Moon
Kaumudi  (Indian)
Kaumudi  (Hindu)
Khons  (Egyptian)
God of the Moon
Kynthia  (Greek)
Kyra  (Greek)
Enthroned. Variant of Cyra: (Moon); Feminine of Cyrus: (Sun)
Labana  (Biblical)
The Moon, Whiteness, Frankincense
Labana  (Biblical)
The Moon, Whiteness, Frankincense
Lalitchandra  (Indian)
beautiful moon
Lebonah  (Biblical)
The Moon, Whiteness, Frankincense
Lebonah  (Biblical)
The Moon, Whiteness, Frankincense
Lewanna  (Hebrew)
The Moon
London  (English)
Fortress of the Moon
London  (English)
Fortress of the Moon. Origin: Middle English
Lucine  (Armenian)
Lucine  (Armenian)
Luna  (Latin)
The Moon
Luna  (Native American)
The Moon
Luna  (Latin)
The Moon. in Mythology Luna is One of the Names of Artemis the Moon Goddess
Lunetta  (Italian)
Little Moon
Lunette  (French)
Little Moon
Maaheem  (Islamic)
Full Moon (Maheem)
Maahjabeen  (Muslim)
Variant of Mahjabin: Forehead. Moon
Madhuchandra  (Hindu)
Honey Moon
Magena  (Native American)
Magena  (Native American)
The Coming Moon
Maham  (Islamic)
Full Moon
Mahdis  (Persian)
Mahina  (Hawaiian)
Mahina  (Hawaiian)
Moon; Moonlight
Mahjabin  (Muslim)
Forehead. Moon
Mahrukh  (Islamic)
Face of the Moon, Part of the Moon
Mahsa  (Persian)
Like the Moon
Mahteab  (Muslim)
The Moon
Maimoona  (Muslim)
Variant of Maimuna: Safe. Trustworthy
Mayank  (Hindu)
Mayank  (Indian)
Mayar  (Turkish)
Moon Glow
Meahpaara  (Muslim)
Piece of Moon
Mehjabeen  (Islamic)
One Who Has a Forehead Like a Moon
Miakoda  (Native American)
Power of the Moon Note: 'This Database is Copyright Muse Creations Inc. '
Miakoda  (Native American)
Power of the Moon
Migina  (Native American)
Returning Moon
236 names found for "Moon"   (page 3 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Beathan | Marline | Golnar | Saxonia | Durand | Jehoram | Bainhrydge | Ebrill | Borya | Basilio | Deke | Alvara | Aodhgan | Manus | Farran |