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Names That Mean Poet

186 names found for "Poet"   (page 4 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Poet? We couldn't find the exact name Poet, but listed below are some first names meaning Poet or names similar to the word Poet.

Similar Names

Pat | Pete | Peto | Piet | Pit | Podi | Pyt | Peta |

Related Names

Ovid  (Latin)
Name of a Poet
Raghavanka  (Hindu)
Name of a Poet of Karnataka
Rawiyah  (Muslim)
Transmitter of Ancient Arabic Poetry
Riordan  (Celtic)
King's Poet (Rierdan)
Riordan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Royal Poet
Robert  (Scottish)
Famed; Bright; Shining. King Robert the Bruce. Robert Burns the Poet
Rorey  (Irish)
Red. Sixteenth-century Rebel Chief Rory O'More is Celebrated in Irish Poetry
Rorry  (Irish)
Red. Sixteenth-century Rebel Chief Rory O'More is Celebrated in Irish Poetry
Rory  (Irish)
Red. Sixteenth-century Rebel Chief Rory O'More is Celebrated in Irish Poetry
Sha'ira  (Muslim)
Shaa'ira  (Muslim)
Variant of Sha'Ira: Poetess
Sruthan  (Irish)
Strahan  (Irish)
Tadhg  (Gaelic)
A Poet; Anglicizaton: Thaddeus, Timothy. Variations: Taogh, Teague. (Tayg)
Tadhg  (Gaelic)
Tadhg  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Poet, Philosopher
Taidhg  (Gaelic)
Taliesin  (Arthurian Legend)
Sixth Century Poet
Teaghue  (Irish)
Teague  (Celtic/Gaelic)
A Poet
Teague  (Gaelic)
Teague  (Irish)
Poet; Handsome
Teige  (American)
A Poet
Terpsichore  (Greek)
Muse of Dance and Iyric Poetry
Thi  (Vietnamese)
Thy  (Vietnamese)
Tulasidas  (Hindu)
Devotee of Tulasi, a Famous Indian Sage/Poet
Valmiki  (Indian)
Name of a Poet
Virgil  (Latin)
Flourishing. Derived from a Roman Clan Name (Vergilius). Roman Poet Virgil Was the Author of the 'Aeneid'
Virgil  (English)
Flourishing. Roman Poet-philosopher Virgil Works Have Been Classic Texts of Roman History and the Latin Language for Years
Vyasa  (Indian)
Name of a Poet
Will  (German)
Diminutive of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Willem  (German)
Variant of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Williamina  (German)
Feminine Form of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Willie  (German)
Diminutive of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
Willy  (German)
Diminutive of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: Poet and Playwright William Shakespeare (-) and William Wordsworth (-)
186 names found for "Poet"   (page 4 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Riona | Maira | Ellard | Jeraldo | Treszka | Tonya | Garvin | Connlyn | Bushy | Kenya | Mogens | Althea | Calliope | Crisanna | Davinah |