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Names That Mean Power

364 names found for "Power"   (page 1 of 8) 

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Looking for names that mean Power? We couldn't find the exact name Power, but listed below are some first names meaning Power or names similar to the word Power.

Similar Names

Peer | Per | Pier | Piper |

Related Names

Abdul Azeez  (Muslim)
Servant of the Mighty. The Powerful
Abdul Aziz  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Azeez: Servant of the Mighty. The Powerful
Abdul-Azeez  (Muslim)
Servant of the Mighty. The Powerful
Abdul-Aziz  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-azeez: Servant of the Mighty. The Powerful
Abira  (Hebrew)
Adair  (English)
Variant of Edgar: Fortunate and Powerful. from the Old English Name Eadgar, a Compound of 'Ead' Meaning Rich or Happy, and 'Gar' Meaning Spear. Famous Bearer: King Edgar of England; American Author Ed
Adoram  (Biblical)
Their Beauty, Their Power
Adoram  (Biblical)
Their Beauty, Their Power
Adrammelech  (Biblical)
The Cloak, Glory, Grandeur or Power of the King
Aishwarya  (Hindu)
Desire for Power ( Aishvarya )
Althea  (Greek)
Wholesome, from the Verb Meaning 'To Heal'. Althaia Was the Greek Name for the Marshmallow Plant Which Was Believed to Have Healing Powers. Made Popular by Richard Lovelace's Poem 'To Althea, from Pri
Amald  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amall  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amandla  (African)
Amaud  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amd  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amdt  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amell  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amen  (Egyptian)
Ra - Personification of the Power of the Universe and God of a United Egypt
Amet  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amett  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amhold  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amir  (Hebrew)
Powerful; Proclaimed
Amo  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amold  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amoll  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amory  (English)
Brave; Powerful. See Also Emory
Amory  (German)
Leader; Divine; Brave; Powerful
Amot  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Amott  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Andrew  (Greek)
A Man, Another Form is Andy. Powerful, Magnetic, Simple-mannered, Indulgent
Archard  (French)
Arend  (German)
Power of an Eagle
Arnaud  (English)
Variant of Arnold: Derived from an Old German Name Meaning Eagle Power. The Eagle Rules. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, and Used for a Number of English Surnames. Famous Bearer: B
Arnold  (English)
Derived from an Old German Name Meaning Eagle Power. The Eagle Rules. Introduced into Britain During the Norman Conquest, and Used for a Number of English Surnames. Famous Bearer: British Poet and Cri
Arnold  (Irish)
Eagle Power
Arnold  (Teutonic)
Eagle Power, Worldly, Pleasure-loving, Intelligent. Rather Self-centered
Astrid  (Norse)
Divine Strength, Divine Power
Ataroth-addar  (Biblical)
Crowns of Power
Az  (Hebrew)
Aziel  (Hebrew)
God is My Power
Aziz  (Arabic)
Baldev  (Indian)
godlike in power
Barrett  (German)
Derived from the Old German Name Beroald Meaning Bear Power. Brave As a Bear
Barrett  (English)
Bear Power. Introduced to Britain During the Norman Conquest. Subsequently Became Common As a Surname. Also a Variant of Barnett
Berthold  (German)
Derived from Old German Words Meaning Bright-power. Also Bright Ruler
Bryanna  (Gaelic)
Power, Fortitude (Brianna, Briona, Bryann, Bryanne, Bryanna)
Caelan  (Irish)
Powerful Warrior
Caelin  (Irish)
Variant of Caelan: Powerful Warrior
Calin  (Irish)
Variant of Caelan: Powerful Warrior
364 names found for "Power"   (page 1 of 8) 

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Additional Names

Kameko | Melatiah | Adolf | Hrocby | Shaaraim | Hop | Cicada | Jeffry | Marusya | Kamata | Annjeanette | Nerve | Chinja | Arijit | Vasek |