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Names That Mean Praised

79 names found for "Praised"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Looking for names that mean Praised? We couldn't find the exact name Praised, but listed below are some first names meaning Praised or names similar to the word Praised.

Similar Names

Prasad | Prajeet |

Related Names

Abdul Hameed  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul Hamid: Servant of the Praiseworthy. The Ever-praised
Abdul Hamid  (Muslim)
Servant of the Praiseworthy. The Ever-praised
Abdul-Hameed  (Muslim)
Variant of Abdul-hamid: Servant of the Praiseworthy. The Ever-praised
Abdul-Hamid  (Muslim)
Servant of the Praiseworthy. The Ever-praised
Abhigeetha  (Hindu)
Aeneas  (Biblical)
Praised, Praiseworthy
Ahmad  (Arabic)
Much Praised. One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad
Ahmad  (Islamic)
The Most Praised (Ahmed)
Ahmad  (Arabic)
Greatly Praised
Ahmed  (Arabic)
Much Praised. One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad
Amad  (Arabic)
Much Praised. One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad
Amadi  (Arabic)
Much Praised. One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad
Eneas  (Greek)
Eneas  (Spanish)
Giuditta  (Italian)
Italian Form of Judith. Praised
Hamadi  (Egyptian)
Hamden  (Arabic)
Hamdun  (Arabic)
Hameeda  (Muslim)
Variant of Hamidah: Commendable. Praised. Praiseworthy
Hamid  (Arabic)
Hamidah  (Muslim)
Commendable. Praised. Praiseworthy
Hammad  (Arabic)
Humayd  (Arabic)
Jodi  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Jodie  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Jody  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Juci  (Hebrew)
Juci  (Hungarian)
Jucika  (Hungarian)
Jucika  (Hebrew)
Jud  (Hebrew)
Judaea  (Biblical)
The Praised One
Judah  (Hebrew)
Praise. The Praised One. Fourth Son of Jacob and Leah and a Direct Ancestor to Jesus Christ. The Words Jew and Judaism are Derived from His Name
Judah  (Hebrew)
Judas  (Biblical)
The Praised One
Judas  (Hebrew)
Variant of Judah: Praise. The Praised One. This Name Has Become Synonymous With Traitor, As the Apostle Judas Iscariot Betrayed Jesus Christ for Thirty Pieces of Silver
Judd  (Hebrew)
Praised. Also Can Be a Diminutive of Jordan: to Flow Down. Flowing Down
Judd  (Hebrew)
Jude  (Hebrew)
One Who is Praised
Jude  (Hebrew)
Variant of Judah: Praise. The Praised One
Jude  (Biblical)
The Praised One
Judea  (Biblical)
The Praised One
Judi  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
Judie  (Hebrew)
Praised; from Judea
Judit  (Hebrew)
Judit  (Swedish)
Swedish Forrn of Judith: Praised
Judith  (Hebrew)
Jewess. Praised
Judith  (Biblical)
The Praised One
Judith  (English)
The Praised One; Derived from Hebrew Jehudith and Yehudit. Pet Forms: Judi, Judie, Judy. (Joo-dith)
Judy  (Hebrew)
Diminutive of Judith: Jewess. Praised
79 names found for "Praised"   (page 1 of 2) 

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Additional Names

Vernon | Stephanie | Johnson | Antti | Gary | Fran | Cuthbert | Jami | Marisa | Rishab | Tenchi | Chwalibog | Hod | Pierretta | Rong |