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Names That Mean Queen

248 names found for "Queen"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Looking for names that mean Queen? We couldn't find the exact name Queen, but listed below are some first names meaning Queen or names similar to the word Queen.

Similar Names

Quin | Quinn | Queena | Queenie | Queeny |

Related Names

Dido  (Greek)
Queen of Carthage Who Killed Herself
Dido  (Latin)
Queen of Carthage
Dorset  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Marquis of Dorset, Son of Edward's Queen
Easter  (Persian)
Variant of Esther: Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of Pe
Elinor  (Shakespearean)
'King John' Queen Elinor, Widow of King Henry Ii and Mother to King John
Elissa  (English)
Variant of Elizabeth: My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty. Famous Bearer: Dido, Queen of Carthage, Was Known As Elissa
Elizabeth  (Shakespearean)
'King Richard Iii' Elizabeth, Queen to King Edward Iv
Elizabeth  (English)
My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty. Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist in the Bible. in England Queen Elizabeth I and Ii. One of the Most Frequently Used Names in England
Elizabeth  (Hebrew)
My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty. Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist in the Bible. in England Queen Elizabeth I and Ii.One of the Most Frequently Used Names in England
Ellery  (English)
Joyful, Happy. Famous Bearer: Ellery Queen, the Hero of a Series of Detective Stories Written by Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee
Emilia  (Shakespearean)
'The Winter's Tale' a Lady Attending on the Queen. 'The Tragedy of Othello, Moor of Venice' Wife to Iago, and Lady-in-waiting to Desdemona
Ena  (English)
Variant of Ina: a Diminutive of Any Names Ending in 'Ina' or 'Ena' Used As a Nickname. Famous Bearer: in Queen Victoria's Granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, Known As Princess Ena, Became Queen
Essie  (Persian)
Diminutive of Esther: Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of
Esther  (Persian)
Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of Persia
Ettie  (Persian)
Diminutive of Esther: Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of
Etty  (Persian)
Diminutive of Esther: Star. Refers to the Planet Venus. Also Myrtle Leaf. Also a Variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Ester, Who Became a Th Century Queen of
Freya  (Anglo Saxon)
Queen of the Gods
Gaenor  (Arthurian Legend)
Variant of Guinevere: Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen
Gaynor  (Arthurian Legend)
Variant of Guinevere: Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen
Getrude  (Shakespearean)
'Hamlet, Prince of Denmark' the Queen of Denmark, Mother to Hamlet
Ginevra  (Arthurian Legend)
Variant of Guinevere: Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen
Grey  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Sir Thomas Grey, Conspirator Against the King. 'King Richard Iii' Lord Grey, Son of Edward's Queen
Grey  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Sixth, Part Iii' Lady Grey, Afterwards Queen to Edward Iv
Griffith  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry the Eighth' Entleman-usher to Queen Katharine
Guanhamara  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Queen
Guanhumora  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Queen
Guenevere  (Arthurian Legend)
Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen. Jennifer Derives from This Name
Guenevere  (Welsh)
Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen. Jennifer Derives from This Name
Guenloie  (Arthurian Legend)
A Queen
Guinevere  (Arthurian Legend)
Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen
Gvenour  (Arthurian Legend)
Arthur's Queen
Gwenevere  (Arthurian Legend)
Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen. Jennifer Derives from This Name
Hadassah  (Hebrew)
Myrtle Tree. Also the Biblical Persian Queen Esther's Hebrew Name
Haimati  (Indian)
Snow Queen
Hatshepsut  (Egyptian)
Name of a Queen
Hecate  (Shakespearean)
'The Tragedy of Macbeth' Queen of the Witches
Heidi  (French)
Variant of Adelaide: Nobility. French Form of the Old German Adalheidis, a Compound of 'Athal' (Noble) and 'Haida' (Hood). Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia, Was Named After Queen Adelaide, Th
Hera  (Greek)
Hera: (The Roman Juno) Was the Mythological Greek Queen of Heaven and Wife of Zeus. Dealing With Her Husband's Infidelities She Came to Be Called the Goddess of Marriages
Hermione  (Shakespearean)
'The Winter's Tale' Queen to Leontes
Hippolyta  (Greek)
Feminine Form of Hippolytus: Horse Let Loose. Queen of the Amazons. A Character in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'
Hippolyta  (Shakespearean)
'A Midsummer Night's Dream' Queen of the Amazons, Bethrothed to Theseus
Hippolyte  (Latin)
Queen of the Amazons
Hippolyte  (Greek)
Queen of the Amazons
Idalika  (Muslim)
Imogen  (Shakespearean)
'Cymbeline' Daughter to Cymbeline by a Former Queen
Ina  (English)
A Diminutive of Any Names Ending in 'Ina' or 'Ena' (Ie. Christina) Used As a Nickname. Famous Bearer: in Queen Victoria's Granddaughter Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena, Known As Princess Ena, Became Queen
Isabel  (Shakespearean)
'King Henry V' Queen of France
Jenifer  (English)
Variant of Jennifer Common in Cornwall. Derived from Guinevere. in Arthurian Mythology Guinevere Was Arthur's Queen
Jenifer  (Arthurian Legend)
Variant of Guinevere: Fair One. Guinevere Was King Arthur's Mythological Queen
Jennifer  (English)
Fair One. Variant of Guinevere. in Arthurian Mythology Guinevere Was Arthur's Queen
248 names found for "Queen"   (page 2 of 5) 

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Additional Names

Tharah | Patroclus | Himagouri | Bionbyr | Lauraine | Aubin | Landon | Jorah | Thamar | Jerolin | Hallelujah | Denes | Roxane | Katharyn | Damara |