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Names That Mean Stream

114 names found for "Stream"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Looking for names that mean Stream? We couldn't find the exact name Stream, but listed below are some first names meaning Stream or names similar to the word Stream.

Similar Names

Strom | Struan |

Related Names

Daegal  (Anglo Saxon)
Dweller by the Dark Stream
Derora  (Hebrew)
Running Streams
Doggie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Doggie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Doug  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Doug  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Dougal  (Anglo Saxon)
Dweller by the Dark Stream
Doughlas  (Celtic)
Dwells by the Dark Stream
Dougie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Dougie  (Scottish)
Diminutive of Douglas: from the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River
Douglas  (Anglo Saxon)
Dweller by the Dark Stream
Douglas  (Celtic)
Dwells by the Dark Stream
Douglas  (Scottish)
From the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River. The Scottish Douglas Clan Had Two Historical Branches: (Black Douglases and Red Douglases.) the Lords of These Clans
Douglas  (Scottish)
Surname Derived from the Gaelic Elements Dubh (Black, Dark) and Glas (Blue, Green, Gray; Stream). Dubhglas Was a Common Celtic River Name, and the Surname Might Have Originated to Denote One Who Lived
Douglas  (Scottish)
From the Gaelic 'Dubhglas' Meaning Dark Water, Dark Stream, or from the Dark River. The Scottish Douglas Clan Had Two Historical Branches: (Black Douglases and Red Douglases.) the Lords of These Clans
Dubhghlas  (Gaelic)
A Compound Name Composed of the Elements Dubh (Black, Dark) and Glas (Blue, Green, Gray; Stream). See Also: Douglas
Elvet  (English)
Swan Stream
Flint  (English)
A Stream
Flint  (English)
Stream. Place-name and Surname. Flint Stone Produces a Spark of Fire When Struck by Steel
Flynt  (English)
A Stream
Forde  (English)
A Shallow Place Used to Cross a River or Stream. Surname
Iuana  (Native American)
Blowing Backward As the Wind Blows Over the Water of Stream
Jafar  (Indian)
Little Stream
Jafar  (Islamic)
Kelby  (German)
Plantation Near the Stream (Keeby, Kelbee, Kelbie)
Lyndsey  (English)
Camp Near Stream
Mac Bheathain  (Gaelic)
Son of the Man Who Lives by the Clear Stream
Melborn  (English)
From the Mill Stream
Melbourne  (English)
From the Mill Stream
Melburn  (English)
From the Mill Stream
Melbyrne  (English)
From the Mill Stream
Milburn  (English)
Millstream. from the Mill Stream
Milbyrne  (English)
From the Mill Stream
Mylnburne  (English)
From the Mill Stream
Nipa  (Indian)
Radbourne  (English)
Lives by the Red Stream
Radburn  (English)
Lives by the Red Stream
Radbyrne  (English)
Lives by the Red Stream
Raedburne  (English)
Lives by the Red Stream
Rayford  (English)
Ford Over the Stream
Rayhourne  (English)
From the Deer's Stream
Rayhurn  (English)
From the Deer's Stream
Reece  (English)
Reilly  (Celtic/Gaelic)
A Small Stream
Reyhurn  (English)
From the Deer's Stream
Rhett  (Welsh)
A Stream
Rhys  (Welsh)
A Stream
Riley  (Celtic/Gaelic)
A Small Stream
Rilletta  (English)
Rillette  (English)
114 names found for "Stream"   (page 2 of 3) 

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Additional Names

Wilayat | Caycey | Phiala | Kaven | Nura | Mallow | Dion | Jaakan | Kathy | Allsun | Valery | Gillecriosd | Tarshish | Elmer | Siddiq |