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Names That Mean Tree

616 names found for "Tree"   (page 4 of 13) 

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Looking for names that mean Tree? We couldn't find the exact name Tree, but listed below are some first names meaning Tree or names similar to the word Tree.

Similar Names

Tarea | Tier | Tore | Torey | Torre | Treowe | Trey | Troi | Troy | Troye |

Related Names

Bochim  (Biblical)
The Place of Weeping, or of Mulberry-trees
Bokul  (Hindu)
Nagakesara Tree- a Spice With Very Fragrant Flowers (Bakul)
Branstock  (Norse)
A Tree in Volsung's Palace
Briar  (English)
Shrub or Small Tree
Burket  (English)
Variant of Birkett: Area of Birch Trees
Burkett  (English)
Variant of Birkett: Area of Birch Trees
Burkitt  (English)
Variant of Birkett: Area of Birch Trees
Caitriona  (Gaelic)
Pure, Unsullied; a Gaelic Form of Katherine. Anglicization: Catriona and Catrina. Variations: Caitriana, Catrina, Catriona. Short Forms: Cait, Ceit. Pet: Ceiteag, Tnona. (Kay-tree-o-nah)
Chaney  (French)
Oak Tree; Oak-hearted
Chankrisna  (Cambodian)
Cheney  (French)
From the Oak Wood. Variant of Chaney: Oak Tree; Oak-hearted
Cherri  (English)
The Fruit-bearing Cherry Tree
Cherrie  (English)
The Fruit-bearing Cherry Tree
Daff  (Greek)
Diminutive of Daphne: Bay Tree, or Laurel Tree. The Greek Mythological Nymph Daphne Was Rescued from the Unwanted Attentions of the God Apollo by Being Turned into a Laurel Bush. Famous Bearer: Britis
Dafne  (Israeli)
The Laurel Tree. The Mythological Virtuous Daphne Was Transformed into a Laurel Tree to Protect Her from Apollo
Daliah  (Hebrew)
Tree Branch
Daliyah  (Hebrew)
Tree Branch
Daph  (Greek)
Diminutive of Daphne: Bay Tree, or Laurel Tree. The Greek Mythological Nymph Daphne Was Rescued from the Unwanted Attentions of the God Apollo by Being Turned into a Laurel Bush. Famous Bearer: Britis
Daphne  (Greek)
Laurel Tree
Daphne  (Greek)
Bay Tree, or Laurel Tree. The Greek Mythological Nymph Daphne Was Rescued from the Unwanted Attentions of the God Apollo by Being Turned into a Laurel Bush. Famous Bearer: British Author Daphne Du Mau
Daphne  (Greek)
Bay Tree, Ardent, Compassionate, the Laurel Tree (Daffie, Daphie, Daffi, Dafna, Dafne)
Daphney  (Greek)
The Laurel Tree. The Mythological Virtuous Daphne Was Transformed into a Laurel Tree to Protect Her from Apollo
Dara  (Gaelic)
Oak Tree
Darra  (Gaelic)
Oak Tree
Daruka  (Indian)
deodar tree
Dekel  (Arabic)
Palm Tree
Delaine  (French)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Delaine  (Irish)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Delancy  (French)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Delancy  (Irish)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Delane  (French)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Delane  (Irish)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Delaney  (French)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Delano  (French)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Delano  (Irish)
From the Elder Tree Grove
Derwen  (Welsh)
From the Oak Tree
Eburscon  (Celtic)
Lives Near the Yew Tree Estate
Elan  (Native American)
One Who is Friendly (In Hebrew: Tree)
Elan  (Hebrew)
Elan  (Hebrew)
Elana  (Israeli)
Oak Tree
Elanah  (Israeli)
Oak Tree
Elanie  (Israeli)
Oak Tree
Elanna  (Israeli)
Oak Tree
Elder  (English)
One's Elder (Older Person); Elder Tree
Eldur  (English)
From the Elder Tree
Ellary  (Teutonic)
Dwells by the Alder Trees
Ellary  (English)
Variant of Ellery: Elder Tree Island
Ellder  (English)
From the Elder Tree
Ellery  (Teutonic)
Dwells by the Alder Trees
616 names found for "Tree"   (page 4 of 13) 

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Additional Names

Harshal | Ricweard | Gunnlaug | Clay | Oriel | Holle | Tacita | Amser | Radburt | Skelton | Rockford | Olive | Carma | Gall | Marchland |