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Names That Mean Wine

153 names found for "Wine"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Looking for names that mean Wine? We couldn't find the exact name Wine, but listed below are some first names meaning Wine or names similar to the word Wine.

Similar Names

Wain | Wann | Wayne | Wim | Win | Winn | Winnie | Wyn | Wyne | Wynn |

Related Names

Dion  (Greek)
The Greek God of Wine (In American - Popular Form of Dennis)
Dion  (English)
Variant of Dennis: from the Latin Dionysos or Dionysus, Referring to the Greek God of Wine
Dion  (Greek)
God of Wine and Revelry
Dione  (English)
Feminine Form of Dion: a Variant of Dennis, Derived from Dionysius, the Greek God of Wine. Also from the Sacred Spring. The Mythological Dione Was Wife to Zeus and Mother of Aphrodite
Dionis  (Latin)
Variant of Dionysus: Greek God of Wine
Dionis  (Spanish)
From Dionysus God of Wine
Dionisa  (Spanish)
From Dionysus God of Wine
Dionizy  (Polish)
Polish Form of Dionysus 'God of Wine'
Dionne  (English)
Feminine Form of Dion: a Variant of Dennis, Derived from Dionysius, the Greek God of Wine. Also from the Sacred Spring. The Mythological Dione Was Wife to Zeus and Mother of Aphrodite
Dionusios  (Latin)
Variant of Dionysus: Greek God of Wine
Dionysia  (Greek)
Named for Dionysus God of Wine
Dionysia  (Latin)
Feminine Form of Dionysius: the God of Wine
Dionysie  (Greek)
Named for Dionysus God of Wine
Dionysios  (Greek)
God of Wine
Dionysius  (Greek)
God of Wine and Revelry
Dionysius  (Greek)
God of Wine
Dionysius  (Latin)
Variant of Dionysus: Greek God of Wine
Dionysus  (Latin)
God of Wine and Revelry
Dionysus  (Greek)
God of Wine
Dionysus  (Latin)
Greek God of Wine
Dunixi  (Basque)
Basque Form of Dionysus God of Wine
Dunixi  (Basque)
God of Wine
Dunixi  (Greek)
God of Wine
Dunixi  (Greek)
God of Wine
Dwight  (English)
From a Surname, Derived from Diot, a Diminutive of the Latin Dionysius or Dionysia, Referring to the God of Wine. Famous Bearer: American President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Eadwine  (English)
Wealthy Friend. an Old English Name Compounded from Ead, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Wine, Meaning Friend
Eadwine  (English)
Wealthy Friend
Earwine  (English)
Friend of the Sea
Earwine  (Welsh)
White River
Earwine  (English)
Friend of the Sea
Ed  (English)
Diminutive of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Also a Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Na
Eddie  (English)
Diminutive of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Also a Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Na
Eddy  (English)
Diminutive of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Also a Diminutive of Edward: Wealthy Guardian. from the Old English Na
Edwin  (English)
Rich in Friendship. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend. Famous Bearers: the Hero of Charles Dickens' Last Novel, 'Edwin Drood'
Edwina  (English)
Feminine Form of Edwin: Rich in Friendship, or Wealthy Friend. from the Old English Name Eadwine, Meaning Rich or Happy, and Friend
Elvin  (English)
Variant of Alvin: Wise Friend. from the Old English Aetheiwine, and Also Aefwine, Both Meaning Noble Friend. Various Forms of Alvin in Use After the Norman Conquest Became Surnames, and Also First Nam
Elwine  (Anglo Saxon)
Friend of the Elves
Elwyn  (English)
Variant of Alvin: Wise Friend. from the Old English Aetheiwine, and Also Aefwine, Both Meaning Noble Friend. Various Forms of Alvin in Use After the Norman Conquest Became Surnames, and Also First Nam
Erwinek  (English)
Variant of Erwin: Boar-friend
Eumaeus  (Greek)
A Swineherd Who Fought With Odysseus
Freowine  (English)
Noble Friend
Gaarwine  (English)
Friend With a Spear
Gath  (Biblical)
A Wine-press
Gath  (Biblical)
A Wine-press
Gath-rimmon  (Biblical)
The High Wine-press
Gath-rimmon  (Biblical)
The High Wine-press
Gittah-hepher  (Biblical)
Digging, a Wine-press
Gittah-hepher  (Biblical)
Digging, a Wine-press
Gittaim  (Biblical)
A Wine-press
Gittaim  (Biblical)
A Wine-press
153 names found for "Wine"   (page 2 of 4) 

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Additional Names

Muath | Farhaana | Ananias | Dougal | Sonnehilde | Arcenio | Delsy | Nelson | Edmunda | Garwyli | Joby | Enar | MacDonald | Bearnas | Ivon |