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Names That Mean Young

277 names found for "Young"   (page 3 of 6) 

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Looking for names that mean Young? We couldn't find the exact name Young, but listed below are some first names meaning Young or names similar to the word Young.

Related Names

Fawn  (English)
Young Deer. The Greek Mythological Deity of Fertility and Nature Was Fauna. She Was Famous for Her Chastity
Fawn  (French)
Young Deer
Fawn  (Latin)
Young Deer (Fawna, Fawne)
Fawna  (English)
Young Deer. The Greek Mythological Deity of Fertility and Nature Was Fauna. She Was Famous for Her Chastity
Fawne  (English)
Young Deer. The Greek Mythological Deity of Fertility and Nature Was Fauna. She Was Famous for Her Chastity
Fenton  (Shakespearean)
'The Merry Wives of Windsor' a Young Gentleman
Ghada  (Arabic)
Young Girl
Ghayda  (Muslim)
Young and Delicate
Gil  (Spanish)
Squire 'Young Shield.'
Gil  (Hispanic)
Young Goat; Form of Giles
Gill  (Latin)
Gill  (English)
A Diminutive of Gillian, Meaning Young. Often Used As an Independent Name
Gilles  (French)
Young Goat
Gillien  (Latin)
Giuliana  (Italian)
Variant of Juliana. Young
Guilia  (Latin)
Guilie  (Latin)
Guilio  (Greek)
Gur  (Biblical)
The Young of a Beast, a Whelp
Gur  (Biblical)
The Young of a Beast, a Whelp
Gyala  (Latin)
Hafsa  (Muslim)
Cub. Young Lioness
Hagan  (Gaelic)
Hagen  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Little, Young
Haytham  (Islamic)
Young Eagle
Haytham  (Muslim)
Young Hawk
Hester  (Persian)
Star. Myrtle Leaf. A Latinized Form of Esther. Esther Was a Young Hebrew Woman in the Bible Who Married the Persian Ruler Xerxes and Risked Her Life to Save Her People
Hogan  (Gaelic)
Ibri  (Biblical)
Passing Over; Being Angry; Being With Young
Iulia  (Latin)
Jaalam  (Biblical)
Hidden; Young Man; Heir
Jill  (Latin)
Jill  (Latin)
Young Child (Jillian, Gillian)
Jotham  (Hebrew)
Jehovah is Perfect. May Jehovah Complete. in the Old Testament, Gideon's Youngest Son, Who Escaped the Massacre of His Seventy Brothers. Also a King of Judah During a Time of Military Strife
Jude  (Latin)
Judith  (Latin)
Julene  (Latin)
Julesa  (Latin)
Juli  (Latin)
Julia  (Latin)
Young. The Feminine Form of Julius. A Character in Shakespeare's Play 'Two Gentlemen of Verona'
Julianna  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julie  (Latin)
Variant of Julia: Young
Julieann  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julieanna  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Julieanne  (Latin)
Young. Jove's Child. Feminine of Julius
Juliet  (Latin)
Variant of Julia: Young
Juliet  (Italian)
An Italian Diminutive of Julia. Juliet Was the Young Heroine of Shakespeare's Play Romeo and Juliet
Julietta  (Latin)
Variant of Julia: Young
Juliette  (Latin)
Juliette  (Italian)
Variant of Juliet: an Italian Diminutive of Julia. Famous Bearer: Juliet, Young Heroine of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'
277 names found for "Young"   (page 3 of 6) 

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