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Celtic Baby Names, Meanings

1235 names found for "Celtic"   (page 24 of 25) 

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Sinead  (Celtic/Gaelic)
God is Gracious
Siobhan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
God is Gracious
Sissy  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Name Cecilia
Siusan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Skye  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Isle of Skye
Skyla  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Learned One
Sloan  (Celtic)
Sloane  (Celtic)
Sloane  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Strong Protector
Slone  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Sonnagh  (Celtic/Gaelic)
A Mound or Rampart
Sorcha  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Form of Sarah or Bright
Sugn  (Celtic)
Mythical Son of Sugnedudd
Sullivan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Sully  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Taban  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Tadhg  (Celtic)
Mythical a Prince of Munster
Taliesin  (Celtic)
Tanguy  (Celtic)
Tara  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Craggy Hillside
Tarin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Rocky Hill
Tarmon  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Church Land
Taryn  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Irish Hillside
Teagan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Teaghue  (Celtic)
Teague  (Celtic/Gaelic)
A Poet
Teithi  (Celtic)
Mythical Son of Gwynham
Teranika  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Earth's Victory
Terran  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Teyrnon  (Celtic)
Tiernan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Lord of the Manor
Tiernay  (Celtic)
Tierney  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Noble, Lordly
Tieve  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Torrance  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Form of Terence
Torrey  (Celtic)
Lives by the Tower
Torrin  (Celtic/Gaelic)
From the Hills
Tory  (Celtic)
Lives by the Tower
Trahern  (Celtic)
Strong As Iron
Tremain  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Town of the Stone
Tremaine  (Celtic)
From the Town Encircled by Stone
Tremayne  (Celtic)
From the Town Encircled by Stone
Trevet  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Three Mounds of Earth
Trevor  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Tris  (Celtic)
Diminutive of Tristan: Sad Din. in a Story from the Middle Ages, Tristan, Nephew of King Mark of Cornwall, Was in Love With the Princess Iseult of Ireland
Trista  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Tristan  (Celtic/Gaelic)
Bold, Melancholy
Tristen  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (Celtic)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
1235 names found for "Celtic"   (page 24 of 25) 

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Additional Names

Abdulla | Parinita | Tsifira | Hushai | Euphemia | Bajith | Kamakshi | Linsey | Thando | Bruno | Miguel | Diane | Lela | Juliet | Malloy |