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Danish Baby Names, Meanings

170 names found for "Danish"   (page 4 of 4) 

1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Rigmor  (Danish)
Name of Danish Queen
Saffi  (Danish)
Sena  (Danish)
Sigrid  (Danish)
Victorious Counselor
Soren  (Danish)
Danish Form of Thor
Sorina  (Danish)
Feminine Form of Sorin
Sorine  (Danish)
Feminine Form of Sorin
Stina  (Danish)
Stinne  (Danish)
Svend  (Danish)
Young Man
Tage  (Danish)
Thor  (Danish)
Mythical God of Thunder
Thora  (Danish)
Feminine Form of Thor
Thyra  (Danish)
Feminine Form of Thor
Trudel  (Danish)
Ulrik  (Danish)
Ruler of All
Vibeke  (Danish)
Little Woman
Vilhelm  (Danish)
Danish Form of William
Wilhelmine  (Danish)
Resolute Protector
Yorick  (Danish)
Farmer (York)

Additional Names

Jerrick | Wyatt | Halfrida | Pryor | Morag | Hildegard | Analise | Kotari | Audabella | Deliz | Darcey | Gloria | Brande | Adika | Allene |