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English Baby Names, Meanings

7275 names found for "English"   (page 123 of 146) 

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Saunders  (English)
Alexander's Son
Saunderson  (English)
Alexander's Son
Sawyer  (English)
Saws Wood
Sawyer  (English)
Sawyere  (English)
Saws Wood
Sawyers  (English)
Son of Sawyer
Saxan  (English)
Saxon  (English)
Saxon  (English)
Germanic Tribe
Saxona  (English)
A Saxon, One of the Sword People
Saxonia  (English)
A Saxon
Saxons  (English)
A Saxon
Saxton  (English)
Scadwiella  (English)
From the Shed Spring
Scaffeld  (English)
From the Crooked Field
Scandleah  (English)
From the Loud Meadow
Scandy  (English)
Scarlet  (English)
Flaming Red (Scarlett)
Scarlett  (English)
Sceapleigh  (English)
From the Sheep Meadow
Sceley  (English)
From the Happy Meadow
Scelflesh  (English)
From the Edge Meadow
Scelftun  (English)
From the Ledge Farm
Schaddoc  (English)
Shad Fish
Scirloc  (English)
Scirwode  (English)
From the Bright Forest
Scot  (English)
From Scotland; a Gael. Diminutive of Scott
Scott  (English)
From Scotland; a Gael. Surname
Scottas  (English)
From Scotland
Scottie  (English)
From Scotland; a Gael. Diminutive of Scott
Scotty  (English)
From Scotland; a Gael. Diminutive of Scott
Seabert  (English)
Glory at Sea
Seabright  (English)
Glory at Sea
Seabroc  (English)
From the Brook by the Sea
Seabrook  (English)
From the Brook by the Sea
Seaburt  (English)
Glory at Sea
Seadon  (English)
From the Hill by the Sea
Seager  (English)
Sealey  (English)
From the Happy Meadow
Seamus  (English)
Variant of James: Supplant. Replace. Variant of Jacob Derived from the Latin Jacomus
Seaton  (English)
From the Farm by the Sea
Seaward  (English)
Sea Guardian
Sebert  (English)
Glory at Sea
Sebille  (English)
A Fairy
Secg  (English)
Secgwic  (English)
From the Sword Grass Place
Sedge  (English)
Sedgeley  (English)
From the Swordsman's Meadow
Sedgewic  (English)
From the Sword Grass Place
Sedgewick  (English)
From the Sword Grass Place
7275 names found for "English"   (page 123 of 146) 

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Additional Names

Hamd | Caradawc | Brielle | MacNiall | Myron | Elgine | Yitzchak | Balasi | Galiana | Zoheret | Remo | Oudsiyya | Lynton | Tyne | Gerrard |