Aylmer(English) Infamous. from the Old English Aethelmaer Meaning Noble and Famous. Used As a First Name During the Middle Ages, Aylmer Later Became More Popular As a Surname
Aylwin(English) Variant of Alvin: Wise Friend. from the Old English Aetheiwine, and Also Aefwine, Both Meaning Noble Friend. Various Forms of Alvin in Use After the Norman Conquest Became Surnames, and Also First Nam
Bab(English) Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Babs(English) Diminutive of Barbara: from the Greek Barbaros Meaning Foreign or Strange, Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Baldur(English) Variant of Balder: Brave Warrior; Bold Army
Baldwin(English) From the Old English Bealdwine, or the Old German Equivalent Baldavin, Meaning Bold Friend. Frequently Used in Medieval Britain, and Was the Basis of a Number of Surnames