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English Baby Names, Meanings

7275 names found for "English"   (page 133 of 146) 

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Thomkins  (English)
Little Tom
Thompson  (English)
Derives from Thomas 'Twin.'
Thoraldtun  (English)
From the Thunder Estate
Thorley  (English)
Thorn Wood/Clearing; from Thor's Meadow
Thormond  (English)
Thor's Protection
Thormund  (English)
Thor's Protection
Thorn  (English)
Town of Thorns. Thornton Variant. Surname
Thorndike  (English)
From the Thorny Dike
Thorndyke  (English)
From the Thorny Dike
Thorne  (English)
From the Thom Tree
Thornley  (English)
From the Thorny Meadow
Thornly  (English)
From the Thorny Meadow
Thornton  (English)
From the Thorny Town
Thorntun  (English)
From the Thorn Tree Farm
Thorp  (English)
From the Village
Thorpe  (English)
Dweller in the Village
Thronton  (English)
Town Among the Thorns
Thrythwig  (English)
Strong Warrior
Thunder  (English)
Stormy Tempered
Thurhloew  (English)
From Thor's Hill
Thurleah  (English)
From Thor's Meadow
Thurleigh  (English)
From Thor's Meadow
Thurlow  (English)
From Thor's Hill
Thurman  (English)
Servant of Thor
Thurmond  (English)
Thor's Protection
Thurstan  (English)
Thor's Stone
Thurston  (English)
Thor's Stone
Thurstun  (English)
Thor's Stone
Tiahna  (English)
Abbreviation of Tatiana
Tiane  (English)
Abbreviation of Tatiana
Tianna  (English)
Abbreviation of Tatiana
Tianna  (English)
Abbreviation of Tatiana
Tiauna  (English)
Abbreviation of Tatiana
Tiesha  (English)
Abbreviation of Leticia or Latisha
Tiffanie  (English)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity
Tiffney  (English)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity
Tiffney  (English)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity
Tila  (English)
Tiladene  (English)
From the Fertile Valley
Tilden  (English)
Fertile Valley
Tilford  (English)
From the Fertile Ford
Tillman  (English)
Tilly  (English)
From Tilden or Matilda
Tilman  (English)
Tilton  (English)
From the Good Estate
Tim  (English)
Variant of Timothy 'One Who Honors God.'
Timmy  (English)
Variant of Timothy 'One Who Honors God.'
Timon  (English)
One Who Honors God. The Biblical Timothy Was the Young Christian to Whom Paul Wrote. 'Let No Man Look Down on Your Youth.'
Timothy  (English)
Honoring God; Short Forms: Tim. Pet Name: Timmy. (Tim-ah-thee)
Tina  (English)
A Diminutive of Any Feminine Name Ending in -tina, But is Now Also Popular As an Independent First Name
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Additional Names

Lachesis | Jordane | Jerome | Darrill | Dena | Jesse | Alexandria | Bessie | Lulu | Hearne | Hiel | Chanchala | Maire | Grazia | Agastya |