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English Baby Names, Meanings

7275 names found for "English"   (page 7 of 146) 

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Anisha  (English)
Variant of Anne or Agnes
Anissa  (English)
Variant of Anne or Agnes
Anita  (English)
Variant of Ann: a Variant of Hannah, Made Popular by the Cult of St Anne. The Form of the Name Varies With Fashion:
Anjanette  (English)
Gift of God's Favor. Blend of Ann and Janet
Anjanique  (English)
Gift of God's Favor. Blend of Ann and Janet
Anjeanette  (English)
Gift of God's Favor. Blend of Ann and Janet
Ann  (English)
Ann  (English)
A Variant of Hannah, Made Popular by the Cult of St Anne. The Form of the Name Varies With Fashion:
Anna  (English)
Name of a King
Anna  (English)
Gracious, Full of Grace
Annabel  (English)
Annabella  (English)
Variant of Annabel: Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World. The Form Annabelle Became Popular in the Mid-
Annabelle  (English)
Variant of the Latin Amabel. Edgar Allan Poe's Poem 'Annahel Lee' Made the Form Annabel Popular Throughout the English-speaking World. The Form Annabelle Became Popular in the Mid-oth Century
Annabeth  (English)
Variant of Anne, Meaning Favor; Grace
Annalee  (English)
Variant of Anne, Meaning Favor; Grace
Annalice  (English)
Uncertain Meaning (Combination of Anna and Alice ?)
Annamarie  (English)
Variant of Anne, Meaning Favor; Grace
Anne  (English)
Gracious; from the Hebrew Hannah (Chaanach, Hannah). Variations: Anna, Annag, Annot. (An-nah)
Annette  (English)
Variant of Ann: a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain, Made Popular by the Cult of St Anne. The Form of the Name Varies With Fashion:
Annice  (English)
From Agnes
Annie  (English)
Diminutive of Ann Frequently Used As an Independent Name. Famous Bearers: Markswoman Annie Oakley, Famous in the Musical 'Annie Get Your Gun'; Cartoonist Harold Gray's 'Little Orphan Annie'; the Tradi
Annika  (English)
Variant of Ann: a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain, Made Popular by the Cult of St Anne. The Form of the Name Varies With Fashion:
Annis  (English)
From Agnes
Annissa  (English)
Form of Ann
Annjeanette  (English)
Gift of God's Favor. Blend of Ann and Janet
Annora  (English)
One of the Most Common Forms of the Name Honor in the Middle Ages
Annson  (English)
Variant of Anson: Anne's Son; Son of God. Famous Bearer: Actor Anson Williams
Anora  (English)
Anouska  (English)
Variant of Ann: a Variant of Hannah Introduced to Britain, Made Popular by the Cult of St Anne. The Form of the Name Varies With Fashion:
Anscom  (English)
Lives in the Valley of the Majestic One
Anscomb  (English)
Lives in the Valley of the Majestic One
Anseim  (English)
Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
Ansel  (English)
God's Protection. Variant of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
Ansell  (English)
God's Protection. Variant of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
Anselma  (English)
Feminine Form of Anseim: Introduced from Germany by St Anselm, Who Became Archbishop of Canterbury
Anselmo  (English)
God's Protection
Ansleigh  (English)
From the Awe Inspiring One's Meadow
Ansley  (English)
From the Awe Inspiring One's Meadow
Anson  (English)
Anne's Son; Son of God. Famous Bearer: Actor Anson Williams
Ansson  (English)
Variant of Anson: Anne's Son; Son of God. Famous Bearer: Actor Anson Williams
Anthony  (English)
Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Antoine  (English)
Variant of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Antoinette  (English)
Feminine Form of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Anton  (English)
Variant of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Antonia  (English)
Feminine Form of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Antonina  (English)
Feminine Form of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Antonio  (English)
Variant of Anthony: Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Antony  (English)
Highly Praiseworthy. from a Roman Clan Name. The Spelling Anthony Was Associated With the Greek Anthos Meaning Flower
Anya  (English)
Variant of Anna. British Novelist Anya Seton
Anyssa  (English)
Variant of Anne or Agnes
7275 names found for "English"   (page 7 of 146) 

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