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English Baby Names, Meanings

7275 names found for "English"   (page 83 of 146) 

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Joby  (English)
Variant of Job 'Persecuted'
Jocelina  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Joceline  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Jocelyn  (English)
Jocelyne  (English)
Playful; Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Jocelynn  (English)
Medieval Male Name Adopted As a Feminine Name
Jock  (English)
Form of Jacob
Joda  (English)
Feminine of Nickname for Joseph and Jude
Jodee  (English)
Feminine of Nickname for Joseph and Jude
Jodi  (English)
Feminine of Nickname for Joseph and Jude
Jodie  (English)
Feminine of Nickname for Joseph and Jude
Jodie-lee  (English)
Combination of Jodie and Lee
Jody  (English)
Nickname for Joseph and Jude
Jody  (English)
Feminine of Nickname for Joseph and Jude
Joe  (English)
Abbreviation of Joseph
Joeanna  (English)
Variant of Joan
Joeanne  (English)
Variant of Joan
Joellen  (English)
Jo and Ellen Put Together to Form One Name
Joey  (English)
Abbreviation of Joseph
John-paul  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew John 'Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor.'
Johnelle  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Johnetta  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Johnette  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Johnn  (English)
Variant of the Hebrew John 'Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor.'
Johnna  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Johnnie  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Johnnie  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Johnny  (English)
Variant of John or Abbreviation of Jonathan 'Jehovah Has Been Gracious; Has Shown Favor.'
Johnson  (English)
Son of John
Joi  (English)
Joia  (English)
Jolee  (English)
Cheerful; Pretty
Joleen  (English)
Variant of Jolene: Compound of Jo and the Feminine Name Element -ene
Joleigh  (English)
Cheerful; Pretty
Jolena  (English)
A Well-established Compound of Jo-
Jolene  (English)
Compound of Jo and the Feminine Name Element -ene
Joli  (English)
Cheerful; Pretty
Jolie  (English)
Cheerful; Pretty
Jolina  (English)
A Well-established Compound of Jo-
Joline  (English)
A Well-established Compound of Jo-
Jolleen  (English)
A Well-established Compound of Jo-
Jollene  (English)
A Well-established Compound of Jo-
Jon  (English)
God Has Given; a Short Form of Jonathan. (Jon)
Jonalyn  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonalynn  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonathan  (English)
God Has Given;Derived from the Hebrew Yonatan Which is Derived from Yehanatan (Yahweh Has Given). The Name is Borne in the Bible by the Eldest Son of King Saul and a Close Friend of David. Variatons:
Jonay  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonell  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonetta  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
Jonette  (English)
Modern Feminine of John and Jon
7275 names found for "English"   (page 83 of 146) 

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