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French Baby Names, Meanings

2221 names found for "French"   (page 23 of 45) 

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Guy  (French)
Halette  (French)
Little Hal
Hamilton  (French)
From the Mountain Town
Hanrietta  (French)
Rules the Home
Hanriette  (French)
Rules the Home
Harbin  (French)
Glorious Warrior
Harcourt  (French)
From the Fortified Farm
Hardouin  (French)
Name of a Count
Harman  (French)
Variant of Herman
Harmen  (French)
Variant of Herman
Harmon  (French)
Variant of Herman
Harriet  (French)
Variant of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Harriett  (French)
Rules Her Household. Feminine of Harry from Henry
Harrietta  (French)
Rules the Home
Harriette  (French)
Rules the Home
Harvey  (French)
Army Warrior
Hedvige  (French)
Heidi  (French)
Variant of Adelaide: Nobility. French Form of the Old German Adalheidis, a Compound of 'Athal' (Noble) and 'Haida' (Hood). Adelaide, the Capital of South Australia, Was Named After Queen Adelaide, Th
Helaine  (French)
Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Helene  (French)
Variant of Helen. in Mythology the Abduction of Zeus's Mortal Daughter Helen Sparked the Trojan War
Heloise  (French)
Derived from the Old German Name Helewidis, Meaning Hale and Wide. Also a French Form of Louise
Hennie  (French)
Diminutive of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Henny  (French)
Diminutive of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Henri  (French)
From the Name Henry
Henrietta  (French)
Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Henriette  (French)
Keeper of the Hearth
Henry  (French)
Rules the Home
Herbert  (French)
Illustrious Warrior
Herve  (French)
Army Warrior
Hervey  (French)
Variant of Harvey: from Celtic Words for Battle, Strong, Worthy, and Ardent. Used Commonly During the Middle Ages
Hettie  (French)
From Henrietta. Rules Her Household
Hetty  (French)
Diminutive of Henrietta: Keeper of the Hearth. Rules Her Household. from Henriette, the French Feminine Form of Henry
Hilaire  (French)
Form of Hilary
Hilaire  (French)
French Form of Hilary: Joyful; Glad
Holly  (French)
Honore  (French)
Honor. Good Name and Integrity
Hortense  (French)
French Variant of Hortensia, from the Feminine Form of the Roman Clan Name Hortensius
Huette  (French)
Feminine Form of Hugh
Hugette  (French)
Feminine Form of Hugh
Hugh  (French)
Huguetta  (French)
Feminine Form of Hugh
Ignace  (French)
Ila  (French)
From the Island
Iphigenie  (French)
Mythical Creature
Isabeau  (French)
Variant of Elizabeth. My God is Bountiful;God of Plenty
Isabelle  (French)
Consecrated to God
Ismay  (French)
Feminine Form of Esme: an Old French Variant of the Latin 'Aestimatus' Meaning Esteemed, or 'Amatus' Meaning Loved
Iva  (French)
From the Yew Tree
Iven  (French)
Little Archer
Ivonne  (French)
Variant of Yvonne. Yew. Archer
2221 names found for "French"   (page 23 of 45) 

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