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French Baby Names, Meanings

2221 names found for "French"   (page 37 of 45) 

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Parnella  (French)
Parrish  (French)
Pascal  (French)
Born on Easter
Pascala  (French)
Born at Easter
Pascale  (French)
Born at Easter
Pascaline  (French)
Born at Easter
Pasclina  (French)
Born at Easter
Pascoe  (French)
Variant of Pascal: of Easter
Pascual  (French)
Born on Easter
Pasquale  (French)
Born on Easter
Patience  (French)
Patric  (French)
Patrician; Noble. Form of Patrick
Patrice  (French)
Paul  (French)
Little. Biblical Apostle and Evangelist Paul's Letters to Early Christians Comprise Many New Testament Books
Paulette  (French)
Pauline  (French)
From the Name Paul
Pensee  (French)
Pepperell  (French)
Peppin  (French)
Name of a King
Perceval  (French)
Percival  (French)
Fire Warrior (Parsifal, Percy, Purcell)
Percy  (French)
From Percivia
Perren  (French)
French Form of Peter
Perrin  (French)
French Form of Peter
Perry  (French)
French Form of Peter
Perryn  (French)
French Form of Peter
Peverell  (French)
Philibert  (French)
French Derivitive of the Old German Filibert, Meaning Very Bright. Famous Bearer: Th Century French Abbot St Philibert
Philip  (French)
Loves Horses
Philippe  (French)
Loves Horses
Phillipa  (French)
Loves Horses
Phillipe  (French)
Loves Horses
Pier  (French)
Form of Pierre
Piera  (French)
Small Rock
Pierce  (French)
Form of Peter
Pierpont  (French)
Lives by the Stone Bridge
Pierre  (French)
A Rock
Pierrepont  (French)
Lives by the Stone Bridge
Pierretta  (French)
Feminine Form of Pierre
Pierrette  (French)
Feminine Form of Pierre
Piers  (French)
French Variant of Peter: Stone; a Rock. Famous Bearer: Science-fiction Author Piers Anthony
Piperel  (French)
Piperel  (French)
Piper, Flutist
Pippin  (French)
Name of a King
Plat  (French)
From the Flat Land
Platt  (French)
From the Flat Land
Platt  (French)
Ground Without Slope
Pleasance  (French)
Pomeroy  (French)
Lives Near the Apple Orchard
Pommelraie  (French)
Lives Near the Apple Orchard
2221 names found for "French"   (page 37 of 45) 

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Additional Names

Antonina | Ivan | Jessie | Gechina | Jamilah | Ly | Fauna | Cesar | Manda | Caleb | Buan | Jerry | Harosheth | Omora | Iver |