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French Baby Names, Meanings

2221 names found for "French"   (page 43 of 45) 

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Tempeste  (French)
Tempestt  (French)
Stormy (Tempest)
Theon  (French)
Therese  (French)
From Theresia
Theron  (French)
Therron  (French)
Thibaud  (French)
Rule of the Peop]E
Thieny  (French)
Rule of the Peop]E
Thierry  (French)
French Given Name from an Older Germanic Name Meaning 'Powerful; Ruler of the People.'
Thiery  (French)
Ruler of the People
Tibault  (French)
Rule of the Peop]E
Tiffanie  (French)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity
Tiffney  (French)
Variant of the Greek Name Theophania Referring to the Epiphany - Manifestation of Divinity
Tilda  (French)
Mighty in War
Tilly  (French)
Mighty in War
Toni  (French)
Diminutive of Antoinette: Beyond Praise. French Feminine Form of Anthony
Totty  (French)
Diminutive of Charlotte: a Feminine Form of Charles, Meaning Man. Alternate Meaning, Tiny and Feminine. Famous Bearers: Princess Charlotte, Daughter of King George Iv; British Writer Charlotte Bronte
Toussnint  (French)
All Saints
Trace  (French)
From Thracia. Surname Dating from Before the Norman Conquest
Tracy  (French)
From Thracia. Surname Dating from Before the Norman Conquest
Tracy  (French)
From Thracia. Dates from Before the Norman Conquest As a Surname
Travers  (French)
From the Crossroads
Travis  (French)
At the Road's Fort (Traver, Travers, Travus, Travys)
Treves  (French)
Surname and Place Name
Triage  (French)
Trinetta  (French)
Little Innocent
Trinette  (French)
Little Innocent
Tristan  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristen  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristian  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Tristin  (French)
Tumult; Outcry. from the Celtic Name Tristan. in Arthurian Legend Tristan Was a Knight of the Round Table and Tragic Hero of the Medieval Tale Tristram and Isolde
Troy  (French)
After the City
Troyes  (French)
Curly Haired
Turner  (French)
Champion in a Tournament
Tyce  (French)
Tyeis  (French)
Son of a German
Tyeson  (French)
Tyson  (French)
Explosive (Tison, Ty, Tycen, Tysen)
Urbain  (French)
Form of Urban
Vachel  (French)
Vafara  (French)
Vail  (French)
From the Vale
Val  (French)
Valentine  (French)
Health or Love
Valeraine  (French)
Valere  (French)
Valerie  (French)
Valiant  (French)
Vallerie  (French)
To Be Strong
Vallis  (French)
A Welshman
2221 names found for "French"   (page 43 of 45) 

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Additional Names

Blair | Flanagan | Evgenii | Zara | Erasmo | Eda | Masarrat | Ithran | Matilda | Annie | Ctislav | Treacy | Emilian | Henerik | Antigone |