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Greek Baby Names, Meanings

2936 names found for "Greek"   (page 10 of 59) 

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Ate  (Greek)
Goddess of Irrationality
Athamas  (Greek)
Father of Phrixus and Helle
Athan  (Greek)
Athanasia  (Greek)
Athanasios  (Greek)
Athanasius  (Greek)
Athanasois  (Greek)
Athena  (Greek)
Goddess of Wisdom and War
Athene  (Greek)
Athene Was the Goddess of War and Wisdom, After Whom the City Athens Was Named
Atlanta  (Greek)
A Huntress
Atlas  (Greek)
A Titan
Atreides  (Greek)
Descended from Atreus
Atreus  (Greek)
Father of Agamemnon in Ancient Greek Mythology
Atropes  (Greek)
A Fate
Attis  (Greek)
Son of Manes
Augustina  (Greek)
The Feminine Form of Augustine
Augustine  (Greek)
Aundrea  (Greek)
Feminine of Andrew
Aura  (Greek)
Soft Breeze
Aure  (Greek)
Soft Breeze
Aurelia  (Greek)
Aurora  (Greek)
Goddess of the Dawn
Autolycus  (Greek)
Son of Hermes
Autonoe  (Greek)
Mother of Actaeon
Ava  (Greek)
Like a Bird
Avel  (Greek)
Avernus  (Greek)
Portal to Hades
Azalea  (Greek)
Dry. A Flower Name
Azalia  (Greek)
Dry. A Flower Name
Babette  (Greek)
Variant of Elizabeth: from the Hebrew Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction. Famous Bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth Was Mother of John the Baptist and One of the Earliest Known
Babita  (Greek)
Baccaus  (Greek)
Name of Dionysus
Baccus  (Greek)
Name of Dionysus
Baibin  (Greek)
Bairbre  (Greek)
Baithazar  (Greek)
Protect the King. The Greek Form of the Old Testament Bel-shazzar, Referring to the Babylonian God Bel. One of the Magi Mentioned in Matthew's Story of the Na-tivity Was Balthasar
Balasi  (Greek)
Flat Footed
Balta  (Greek)
Diminutive of Balthasar: One of the Three Kings of Christmas
Balthasar  (Greek)
One of the 3 Kings
Baltsaros  (Greek)
Baptista  (Greek)
Baptiste  (Greek)
Barbara  (Greek)
Stranger, Cold, Distant, Idealistic
Barbi  (Greek)
Traveler from a Foreign Land. in Catholic Custom St. Barbara is a Protectress Against Fire and Lightning
Barbie  (Greek)
Dry. A Flower Name
Barbra  (Greek)
Dry. A Flower Name
Barnabas  (Greek)
Son of a Missionary
Baruch  (Greek)
Doer of God
Bas  (Greek)
Diminutive of Basil: Royal. Kingly. St Basil the Great Was Bishop of Caesarea in the Latter Half of the Th Century. This Name Was Introduced into Western Europe by the Crusaders. Derived from the Same
Basham  (Greek)
2936 names found for "Greek"   (page 10 of 59) 

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