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Greek Baby Names, Meanings

2936 names found for "Greek"   (page 45 of 59) 

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Olympia  (Greek)
From the Home of the Gods (Olympus)
Omega  (Greek)
Omphale  (Greek)
A Queen of Lydia
Onella  (Greek)
Ophelia  (Greek)
Help, Assistance
Ophelia  (Greek)
Help. Serpentine. in Shakespeare's 'Hamlet', Ophelia Was the Lover of Hamlet Who Went Insane As a Result of His Irrational Behavior
Ophelie  (Greek)
Ophion  (Greek)
A Serpent
Ophira  (Greek)
Orane  (Greek)
Orea  (Greek)
From the Mountain
Oreias  (Greek)
From the Mountain
Oreste  (Greek)
From the Mountain
Orestes  (Greek)
From the Mountain
Oria  (Greek)
From the Mountain
Orion  (Greek)
Rising in the Sky; Dawning. Mythological Orion Was a Mighty Hunter and Son of Poseidon. The Constellation Orion Contains Three Conspicuous Stars
Orion  (Greek)
A Hunter in Greek Mythology
Orpheus  (Greek)
Son of Apollo
Orthros  (Greek)
Guardian of Geryon
Ortygia  (Greek)
Calypso's Island
Osanna  (Greek)
Osias  (Greek)
Othello  (Greek)
Otis  (Greek)
Keen of Hearing
Otos  (Greek)
Keen of Hearing
Otus  (Greek)
Keen of Hearing
Owain  (Greek)
Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous Bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy; American Playwright Eugene O'Neill
Owen  (Greek)
Variant of Eugene: Well-born. Famous Bearer: Prince Eugene of Savoy
Page  (Greek)
Palaemon  (Greek)
A Sea God
Palamedes  (Greek)
Son of Nauplius
Pallas  (Greek)
Pallas  (Greek)
Name for Athene
Pam  (Greek)
Pamela  (Greek)
Pamelia  (Greek)
Covered With Honey
Pan  (Greek)
God of Flocks
Panagiota  (Greek)
All Holy
Panagiotis  (Greek)
All or Holy
Pancratius  (Greek)
Supreme Ruler
Pandareos  (Greek)
A Thief
Pandarus  (Greek)
Killed for Breaking a Truce
Pandora  (Greek)
All-gift. in Greek Mythology, Pandora's Curiosity Led Her to Open a Mysterious Box, Thereby Releasing Misery and Hope into the World
Panos  (Greek)
Panphila  (Greek)
All Loving
Pansy  (Greek)
Panteleimon  (Greek)
Panthea  (Greek)
All the Gods
Papandrou  (Greek)
Son of Ander
Paris  (Greek)
Son of Priam
2936 names found for "Greek"   (page 45 of 59) 

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Additional Names

Lysanias | Montague | Damiano | Ignacio | Elden | Rinc | Aristokles | Gilbride | Adelma | Kellye | Tremayne | Tufail | A'zam | Larz | Ignacio |