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Hebrew Baby Names, Meanings

2529 names found for "Hebrew"   (page 9 of 51) 

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Avshai  (Hebrew)
Variant of Avishai: Gift from God
Avshalom  (Hebrew)
Father of Peace
Axel  (Hebrew)
Father of Peace
Axella  (Hebrew)
Axelle  (Hebrew)
Aya  (Hebrew)
Ayala  (Hebrew)
A Female Deer, Doe
Ayalah  (Hebrew)
Ayla  (Hebrew)
Oak Tree
Ayn  (Hebrew)
Az  (Hebrew)
Azai  (Hebrew)
Azalea  (Hebrew)
Azania  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azaniah: God is Listening; God Listens
Azaniah  (Hebrew)
God is Listening; God Listens
Azaniya  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azaniah: God is Listening; God Listens
Azanyahu  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azaniah: God is Listening; God Listens
Azarael  (Hebrew)
God Helps
Azareel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azarael: God Helps
Azarel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azarael: God Helps
Azaria  (Hebrew)
God Helps
Azariah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azarael: God Helps
Azariahu  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azarael: God Helps
Azarious  (Hebrew)
God Helps
Azarlah  (Hebrew)
Whom God Helps. The Name Azalrah Was Given to Several Old Testament Characters, Including a King of Judah
Azarya  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azarael: God Helps
Azaryah  (Hebrew)
God Helps
Azaryahu  (Hebrew)
God Helps
Azel  (Hebrew)
Variant of Atzel: Noble
Azelia  (Hebrew)
Azelie  (Hebrew)
Aziel  (Hebrew)
God is My Power
Aziel  (Hebrew)
Azra  (Hebrew)
Azrael  (Hebrew)
God's Help
Azriel  (Hebrew)
God Helps
Azriel  (Hebrew)
God is My Aid
Azuria  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azrael: God's Help
Azuriah  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azrael: God's Help
Azzai  (Hebrew)
Variant of Azai: Strength
Babette  (Hebrew)
Variant of Elisabeth: from Elisheba, Meaning Either Oath of God, or God is Satisfaction
Bachir  (Hebrew)
Oldest Son
Bachur  (Hebrew)
Young Man
Bama  (Hebrew)
Son of Prophecy
Barak  (Hebrew)
Flash of Lightning. in the Bible the Valiant Fighting Man Barak Cooperated With the Prophetess Deborah to Win Victory in Battle Against Overwhelming Odds
Baram  (Hebrew)
Son of the Nation
Barnabas  (Hebrew)
Son of Consolation or Son of Exhortation, Son of Comfort. Famous Bearer: the Biblical First Century Apostle Barnabas Who Accompanied St Paul on His Early Missionary Journeys.A Biblical First-century M
Barnabe  (Hebrew)
Son of Prophecy
Barnabie  (Hebrew)
Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
Barnabus  (Hebrew)
Variant of Barnabas: Comfort
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Additional Names

Fiorello | Shunem | Cadmon | Maximilian | Chiranath | Ormod | Cahal | Izusa | Lauica | Franziskus | Kameron | Wait | Nisa | Gala | Juan |